Historic Log Buildings
Lauren Sickels-Taves, Architectural Conservator, The Henry Ford (1997-2000)
Historic log buildings can be maintained for years of use and
enjoyment provided that some basic attention is given to their
care and preservation. The conservation staff at the Henry Ford
Museum and Greenfield Village have compiled the information in
this fact sheet to assist in helping individuals to care for their
log buildings. The first step in the care of buildings is to understand
and minimize or eliminate factors that cause damage. The second
step is to develop and follow a basic maintenance plan for care
and longevity.
Identifying Log Buildings
Identifying Features
Preparation - Related diagram
- Related diagram
Causes of Deterioration
and Sealants
of Maintenance
Maintenance Plans
Log structures have long been stereotyped. The American imagination
envisions a one-room, termed single pen, building constructed of
hewn logs exactly like toy Lincoln logs, and the majority of them
probably believe the log structure to be representative of the homes
our ancestors first built upon arrival in America. Within the last
two decades, scholarly research has been compiled, debunking these
images and expounding on the diversity of construction methods found
to vary by geography and nationality. Log structures were not confined
to a single pen and some required seventy-six tools to construct.
Log buildings were characteristically constructed with logs and
chinking. Only the most basic of buildings employed round logs.
This type generally suggested impermanence and its simplicity led
to the term 'log cabin.' The more popular hewn-log structures are
called 'log houses,' and tend to be larger. The work involved in
construction, particularly the hewing, suggests permanency. Log
houses of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, east of the Mississippi,
were covered with a whitewash or clapboards to protect the structure
and denote status.

Historic log buildings are largely identifiable by four basic
plans: single pen, double pen, saddlebag, and dogtrot. The latter
three plans are easily denoted as extensions to a single pen or
one room.
- A double pen is merely two single pens, each with its own
end chimney.
- A saddlebag is similar to a double pen, but the one chimney
is centrally positioned and serves both pens.
- A dogtrot is a double pen with each pen separated, yet connected
by a covered breezeway.
The geography of the land dictated the materials employed - with
the exception of glass, hardware, etc. Indigenous trees provided
long, straight, and rot-resistant logs. Oak, pine, and cedar were
popular in the South; oak, ash, popular, and locust were found in
the East and Midwest. Chestnut had the best of all qualities.
There were basically six ways to prepare logs in American
domestic architecture: unhewn, rough hewn, sqaure hewn, planked,
half log and hewn half log. (These methods are not be confused
with boards cut from logs, as the finished product is no longer
a log.)
- Unhewn logs are merely felled tree trunks.
They are not cut with any tool, but occasionally are debarked.
- Rough hewn logs have two sides debarked
and slightly cut to provide a rough but flat surface.
- Square hewn logs are formed by hewing
all four sides of a log.
- Planked logs are hewn on two sides only,
with bark remaining on the top and bottom. The flat sides
served as the inner and outer walls.
- Half logs are created by merely cutting
a log in half.
- Hewn half logs have the rounded side
debarked and slightly cut to provide a rough but flat
A notch is defined as a concave or V-shaped cut or indentation
in an edge or across a surface. There were six basic methods
of producing a true corner-timbered joint: saddle notching,
V-notching, diamond notching, full dovetailing, half dovetailing,
and square notching. Corner notching on log structures can
be used to specify nationalities within a geographic perimeter.
- Saddle notching is achieved by cutting
a U-shaped groove in the top and/or bottom of a log such
that they fit together like Lincoln logs. This notch takes
minimal skill and logs are usually unhewn.
- V-notching is created by cutting an inverted
V whose ridge is parallel to the length of the log at
the top end. A similar but perpendicular inverted V is
notched into the underside.
- Diamond notching, the least popular notch,
is created by clipping the 'corners' off the log, leaving
a diamond-shaped end.
- Full dovetail, the tightest and most
time-consuming notch, resembles the dovetail joints in
furniture. The log's end is a splayed tenon.
- Half dovetail is similar to the full
dovetail except that only the top portion is splayed.
- Square notching is created by merely
removing a 90° chunk from
the top and bottom of the log, thus forming a tenon.

Notching diagram |
With the exception of square notching, each log is fitted into the
ones above and below it, eliminating the need for nails or pegs.
Each of these notches can be broken down into subgroups. For example,
logs employed in creating the saddle notch can be grooved on the
top of the log, just the bottom, or both top and bottom. Distinct
terminology exists to precisely label the features of corner-timbered
Saddle notching, V-notching, and full dovetailing were the more
popular notches. The philosophy behind these notches was that
no water collected in the joints, thus preventing rot. V-notching
was more prevalent than the full dovetail on house construction.
Saddle notching was generally used on outbuildings where the logs
remained unhewn, but only the bottom notch was employed.
When properly prepared and notched, logs were stacked such that
they did not rest against each other except at the notch. A crack
or chink of one inch or more was visible between the logs of a wall.
Chinks allowed for warping and expanding when unseasoned wood was
used. They also permitted builders to work with the irregular surfaces
and natural tapers of logs. As with notching, chinking was influenced
by different cultures.
Chinking was a two-part process whereby two fillers were used
to close gaps (or chinks) between the logs. Daubing was the outer
finish layer. If maintained, they effectively sealed the interior
from exposure from the elements, intrusion from vermin, and pooled
water on the tops of logs.
The materials used for the rigid filler varied, and were merely
a product of local materials. Clay, stones, poles, wood chunks,
and split wood shingles have all been used. The soft filler served
to fill small cracks and crevices around the rigid fillers and
provided a surface for the daubing to adhere. Oakum, moss, clay,
straw, paper, cloth, and even dried animal dung were typical soft
Daubing was the final seal of the three-part process. Mortar
was perhaps the most popular daubing. It was comprised of solely
clay, mud, or dung; or consisted of a mix of lime and water. Binders
included sand, hair, straw, ashes, flour, sawdust, and shredded
newspaper. Bark remaining on the logs served as an excellent binding
agent. Modern materials have included cement, and even chicken
wire or metal lath are a daubing key, though all are unacceptable
materials, being non-historic and incompatible.
NOTE: Although 'chinking' and 'daubing' clearly define the difference
stages of the three-part process, the two words are often, albeit
incorrectly, used interchangeably. Popularly, 'chinking' is used
alone to describe all steps.
Exterior or exposed log walls were known to have been covered, for
both practical and aesthetic reasons, and depending on available
funds. (Builders in poor, rural regions rarely covered log buildings.)
Whitewash, clapboards, and stucco were all used. As chinking and
daubing were known to develop hairline cracks due to seasonal movement,
annual inspection and renewal were expected. Whitewash was one solution;
its partial solubility with water (e.g. rain water) allowed it to
seep into seasonal cracks then re-solidify with dry weather.
Clapboards and stucco, however, were more durable forms of protection.
They served as additional forms of insulation and reduced the
annual need for maintenance. It was not uncommon for these materials
to be added well after the construction of a log building to denote
positive changes in financial or social status.
Occasionally, chinking was eliminated altogether and other alternatives
employed. For heat retention in plank-shaped wall logs, longitudinal
grooves were cut the length of each log along its bottom. The
top of the log below was stacked with sphagnum moss or even textiles,
allowing the grooved log above to fit tight. Chinking was not
Sheathing the interior walls has been used as well.
Other features of log structures include foundations, roofs, chimneys,
and perhaps windows and interior finishes. As the materials used
varied based on location and nationality, it is difficult to address
their care and preservation. Attempts should be made to ascertain
the original material and replicate it as close as possible. A professional
can aid in examining the structure for clues.
- Foundations: Depending on the structure's permanency, typical
foundations included flat stones laid dry or with mortar; piers
of stone, brick, or log; or logs known as sleepers laid directly
on the ground.
- Roofs: One of the most common materials used was wood shingles.
By the mid- to late 19th century, standing seam metal
roofs were a typical replacement. Sod has also been used in
regional areas.
- Chimneys: Available materials dictated chimney construction.
Brick was the typical material used, although later chimneys
were made with metal stacks if wood stoves were employed within.
- Windows: Windows varied according to social status and availability.
Log structures ranged from no windows to mere holes covered
by wax paper or a shutter to glass.
- Interior finishes: Interiors were generally covered for the
same reasons exteriors were chinked: to increase insulation
and to keep pests out. Wall surfaces, therefore, were practical,
consisting of whatever was on hand. The interiors of rural log
structures were merely chinked or left untouched. Other structures
had boards covered with newspaper or fabric; decoration, until
the mid- to late 19th century, was not common practice.

Water, incompatible materials, and lack of maintenance
are the major causes of damage to log buildings. The introduction
of water is usually the result of the incorrect use of materials
and the lack of maintenance; 95% of all deterioration can be linked
to water. Once introduced and allowed to remain, water can propagate
rot, encourage insect infestation, and fungal growth. Allowed to
continue, a building will eventually become unstable and collapse.
Bark forms a protective barrier around the wood of a tree. This
does not prevent deterioration of the wood under adverse conditions;
however, it greatly reduces it. Logs that have been debarked have
an obvious increased exposure and therefore are at greater risk
for infestation by pests and fungi, and rot by water.
The moisture content of building materials varies in response
to changes in the local humidity and will not usually damage the
material or induce decay. It is normal to find logs containing
12-16% of water by weight. Timber is not susceptible to fungal
attack until its moisture content exceeds 21%. (A moisture meter
can easily record this percentage.) This increase is generally
caused by some form of water, manifested as leaks, excessive condensation,
or contact with damp, incompatible, less porous materials.
Water can enter and harm structures in a variety of ways. The
path it takes in buildings from entrance to exit can be illogical.
There are three sources of water: rain penetration, rising damp,
and condensation.
- Rain penetration in historic log structures is generally
caused by the effects of structural movement, the wrong choice
of materials for repair, decaying materials, badly executed
repairs, or lack of routine maintenance. It is the single,
greatest source of log deterioration.
- Rising damp occurs when logs are in direct contact with
damp soil. Moisture is drawn into the pores by a physical
process called capillary action. The absorbed moisture will
rise in the wall to a height at which there is a balance between
the rate of evaporation and the rate at which it can be drawn
up by capillary forces. This height will vary somewhat with
the time of year and the level of the water table of the soil.
With correct spacing between logs, the chinking may serve
as a barrier to prohibit extensive rising damp.
- Condensation is the product of cooled water vapor. When
moisture in the air is cooled at a certain temperature called
dew point, it will change to liquid water.
The grounds immediately around log structures play an important
role in minimizing water damage. Poor drainage and shallow eaves
can allow water to build up near the lowest logs, permitting
rising damp and coving. Excessive water can ultimately cause
shrinkage in logs, in particular turning checks into cracks
that in turn can twist, bend, and warp.
Insects that can cause damage to wood include wood-boring beetles,
termites, carpenter ants, and wood wasps.
There are a number of wood-boring beetles. The three families
most commonly affecting wood in buildings are Lyctidae and Bostrychidae
(powder post beetles) and Anobidae (furniture beetles). They
characteristically bore small holes (approx. 2-3 mm in diameter)
into wooden materials. These holes are usually the first visible
evidence of infestation. The insects attack dried wood and reduce
it to a powdery or pelleted mass called frass. In cross-section,
infested wood is filled with tunnels, usually parallel to the
grain. Hardwoods, particularly oak, ash, and hickory, are most
Termites fall into three categories: subterranean, dampwood,
and drywood. As the categories imply, termites prefer three
types of environment. The only geographic areas free of these
pests are the northern Midwest states and northern New England.
Earthen shelter tubes, constructed as bridges across materials
they cannot eat, are clues to the presence of subterranean termites.
Fecal pellets are evidence of dampwood and drywood termites.
Tunnels in the direction of the wood grain are common with these
pests as well.
Carpenter ants are considered the greatest pests in the Northeast
and Pacific Northwest. Wood is used as housing, not a food source,
and their preference is for wood exceeding 15% moisture content.
Infestation is evidence by the presence of frass, but the ants
are usually visible themselves, and their chewing is sometimes
audible. Damage is generally minor and localized.
Wood wasps are not a common pest to wood. Their attraction
is to fungi, and weakened living trees. They do bore into wood,
leaving 7mm exit holes. Eliminating fungi should control this
Prevention is the only way to keep all these pests at bay.
Wood repeatedly exposed to water and ground contact serve as
a catalyst. Proper drainage around the log structure and the
removal of all unnecessary wood debris or firewood near the
building will help. Sill logs should not rest directly on the
ground, but be laid on a non-wood foundation. This enhances
ventilation underneath as well. Once found, pests can only effectively
be removed by a professional.
Fungi destroy the structural integrity of wood. There are many
different types, ranging from wood destroyers to rots, and each
attack different structural elements within the wood. Conditions
suitable for fungal growth are temperatures of 24-32°
C (75-90° F); 20% air volume
in the wood; and 25% or higher moisture content. Changing these
conditions can kill fungi and its spores. Temperatures above
65° C (150°
F) and moisture levels below 18-19% (e.g. kiln-dried wood) will
kill spores and stop decay.
Traditional building materials are more porous than their modern
substitutes. They will absorb more water but have the advantage
of allowing it to evaporate freely under drier conditions. When
certain modern materials with low porosity are introduced during
maintenance and repair, incompatibility becomes an issue. There
is a decrease in natural ventilation that can cause persistent dampness
in many old buildings. The logical progression is rot and deterioration.
Cement and its various forms can do irreparable damage to log
structures. It has most popularly been used as the sole ingredient
in chinking, which in itself is historically inaccurate. Its density
reduces uniform breathability throughout a structure, causing
areas such as logs to become saturated with water - in effect
taking in more water faster than it can release it.
Chinking should be flexible, and it should never be stronger
than the material to which it adheres. By employing cement,
a rigid, incompatible chinking is being introduced; the logs
bear the full brunt of any seasonal movement and absorb the
bulk of all water.
Caulks and sealants are soft moisture-impervious compounds;
they have little or no ability to breathe. Caulks should be
used in locations where movement is minimal. Sealants are designed
to be flexible in areas with anticipated movement; their elasticity
maintains the integrity of a joint.
However, these modern products are not suitable for historic
log structures due to their non-porous nature as well as being
historically inappropriate. Caulks and sealants, generally,
have improved lately to achieve colour stability, and resist
ultraviolet rays and mildew, but their impervious nature prohibits
them from working with traditional building materials, particularly
Water-based and toxic chemicals are not effective for general treatment
of wood, and in fact, can escalate decay as well as visually alter
the colour and appearance of the logs. Water-based chemicals require
repeated applications and do not prevent water from penetrating
logs through cracks or joints. Water repellents can trap water within,
promoting internal rot. Toxic chemicals, including pesticides and
fungicides, should only be used in specific treatment, such as exterminating
dangerous fungi (e.g. Serpula lacrymans), and where no other alternatives
While water does the most harm to buildings, it is merely a source
of damage. Lack of maintenance is the key catalyst to its introduction.
No building can go without maintenance. If regular maintenance
is carried out, the longevity of the structure is assured and
the financial outlay for major repairs is minimized.
Lack of maintenance can be graphed as a downward curve. Initially,
the plateau of status quo begins to sag. As maintenance is deferred,
the curve deflects more until it reaches a vertical line, indicating
that collapse is imminent and the costs of salvation will be exceedingly

Reversibility is a prime issue in repairing historic buildings.
It minimizes problems during maintenance and future repairs, and
helps to maintain the integrity of the structure. Replacing decayed
components with compatible materials ensures that the new and old
materials will work together.
NOTE: Unfortunately, most current sources for chinking, daubing,
and wood protection are geared towards modern log construction.
One of the key ingredients is acrylic, which is not a historic material.
These new products may not physically harm log structures, but their
use may create long-term problems and they may not be totally reversible.
There are varying degrees of log restoration, ranging from consolidation
(stabilize existing) to splicing to entire replacement. Each historic
log structure should be evaluated on its own merits to determine
the most appropriate repair. Every attempt should be made to save
as much historic wood as possible.
Generally chemicals are not recommended for preventing damage
to logs (see Chemicals above), and they are difficult if not impossible
to apply in situ. Full-depth penetration is rarely achieved. Preservatives
can change the colour and appearance, greatly altering the historical
integrity and aesthetics. Boiled linseed oil is one preservative
that has been used historically where signs of weathering, such
as deep checks, are evident. However, epoxies are the one product
that is used - in limited quantities, in small areas - by professionals.
Epoxies are comprised of a two-part system; a resin paste and
a hardener are combined to make a paste. It is applied like putty
to fill isolated, damaged areas in logs, and once hardened, can
be carved or sanded to replicate the missing wood. Pigments can
be added to most epoxies to blend the new colour with the original
NOTE: Since epoxies are adhesives with resistance to water and
weather, they should strictly be used in limited quantities. They
can force the surrounding surviving wood to retain water. If the
wood cannot sufficiently dry out, epoxies can continue rot and
the problems it was used to fix.
Shrinkage and swelling result from logs undergoing cyclical moisture
loss and gain. This is expected in historic logs, and as long
as surrounding materials such as chinking are traditional and
compatible, the various components will work together. The introduction
of new wood that has been pressure-treated or even saturated with
polyethylene glycol (PEG) can create new, unnecessary problems,
usually associated with increased moisture in the older, surrounding
wood. Repairs are best made with materials that are traditional
to the structure.
Despite all attempts to retain as much historic wood as possible,
there are occasions where replacement is the only solution. Qualified
professionals should be sought to undertake the specialized work
of jacking, bracing, and replacing. New logs should be of the
same species and appearance, particularly the tool marks and notching,
as original logs. Specific methods on repairing and replacing
logs in buildings are given in Preservation Brief #26 (see Bibliography).
Traditional materials are recommended when chinking and/or daubing
repairs or replacement are necessary, despite the fact that they
may require annual attention. The retention of historical integrity
and the lack of problems due to compatibility with surrounding logs
far outweigh the trouble of undertaking seasonal repairs.
Settlement and other forms of movement over the life of the log
structure may have closed the gap between logs, prohibiting the
insertion of a rigid filler such as stones or wood chunks. Smaller
fillers such as thin saplings may be used and held in place with
nails, prior to repairing the soft filler.
Oakum and clay are two of the traditional soft fillers still
available today and readily used by professionals. Oakum originally
was jute soaked in tar or similar material; a modern equivalent
is readily available at most stores carrying plumbing supplies.
It is preferred for two reasons:
- Most insects do not like oakum;
- Oakum serves as a tight insulating barrier without the potential
for cracking like dry clay.
Occasionally, galvanized mesh lath has been used in lieu of a
soft filler. The philosophy is that it is a concealed aid that
increases the adherence of new daubing. This material is neither
historically correct nor has served well in the field. If localized
areas of daubing fall out, the mesh is exposed, creating an unsightly
appearance until repairs are done.
Chinking should always be misted - not saturated - with water
prior to the application of daubing. This will increase the bond
of the chinking with the daubing, and will prevent the chinking,
particularly if it is clay, from drawing the water out of the
daubing and creating hairline cracks in the latter upon drying.
Many daubing recipes have been published over the last decade.
A favorite cited in several publications is:
1/4 |
parts by volume |
cement |
1 |
" |
lime |
4 |
" |
sand |
1/8 |
" |
dry colour |
hog bristles or excelsior |
With the exception of the cement, this mix has ingredients traditionally
found in daubing recipes. The minor inclusion of cement will impart
additional strength and aid in reducing the amount of annual maintenance
needed. Do not attempt to increase the amount of cement due to
its lack of porosity and other reasons cited under Incompatible
Materials above.
Man-made additives should never be used. The properties, such
as freeze resistance, they impart to the recipe are generally
unnecessary and have largely been tested on modern construction
only. Daubing should be completed before cold weather and freezing
temperatures, above 10° C (50°
F) is best.

Historic log structures require annual inspections. Traditional
chinking and daubing may need annual renewal or spot repairs. Keeping
logs dry and off the ground as well as directing water away from
log structures are critical. Without this care, the above environmental
causes of deterioration will inevitably occur.
By establishing a regular maintenance plan, areas comprised of
missing materials or problems that can ultimately cause decay can
be addressed early. Repair costs will be dramatically reduced while
the longevity of the historic log
structure will be assured.

- "Conservation of Log Structures." APT '96 Training
Workshop. Manitoba, Canada: Riding Mountain National Park, 1996.
- Attebery, Jennifer Eastman. Building with Logs: Western
Log Construction in Context. Moscow: University of Idaho Press,
- Banov, Abel. Paints and Coatings Handbook. Farmington,
MI: Structures Publishing Co., 1978.
- Bomberger, Bruce D. "The Preservation and Repair of Historic
Log Buildings." Preservation Brief #26. Washington,
D.C.: National Park Service, 1991.
- Briscoe, Frank. "Wood-Destroying Insect." The Old
House Journal, vol. xix, no. 2 (1991): 34-39.
- Canon, Peter. "Jacking Techniques for Log Buildings."
Association for Preservation Technology Bulletin, vol.
xx, no. 4 (1990): 42-54.
- Cotton, J. Randall. "Log Houses in America." The
Old House Journal, vol. xviii, no. 1 (1990): 37-44.
- Hickin, Norman E. The Dry Rot Problem. London: Hutchinson
of London, 1963.
- Hickin, Norman E. The Woodworm Problem. London: Hutchinson
of London, 1963.
- Jordan, Terry. American Log Buildings: An Old World Heritage.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1985.
- Sickels-Taves, Lauren B. "McGuffey Birthplace, Greenfield
Village: Historic Structure Report." Unpublished manuscript.
Dearborn, MI: The Edison Institute, 1999.
- Sizemore, Jean. Ozark Vernacular Houses: A Study of Rural
Homeplaces in the Arkansas Ozarks 1830-1930. Fayetteville:
University of Arkansas Press, 1994.
- Upton, Dell and John Michael Vlach, eds. Common Places: Readings
in American Vernacular Architecture. Athens: University of
Georgia Press, 1986.

Epoxy supplier:
WoodEpox by
Abatron, Inc.
5501-T 95th Ave.
Kenosha, WI 53144-7499
http://www.abatron.com |
Oakum supplier:
most stores carrying plumbing supplies |

National Center for Preservation Technology & Training
NSU Box 5682
Natchitoches, LA 71497
(Preservation Briefs are available on-line at the above web
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines
for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings. Washington, D.C.: National
Park Service, 1990.
For a listing of conservators in your area as well as the above
book, please contact:
The State Historic Preservation Office within the specific state.
A listing of SHPO addresses can be found at: http://www.ncptt.nps.gov/prog_pir_fs.stm
