toy makers introduced many toys and games that mirrored
the adult world. In the 1920s, these often picked up on
the excitement of new inventions, the latest technologies,
and the rapid pace of daily life.
Sky Bird Flyer
Louis Marx & Co., New York City
Date: 1917-1920
ID: 85.78.25

Ward & Co. catalog, Fall/Winter, 1927-8
Flight to Paris Game
Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, MA
Date: 1927-1930
ID: 92.226.1
Gift of J. Jordan Humberstone
This game capitalized on Charles Lindbergh's 1927
solo flight from New York to Paris--without using
his name.
"L" Flivver
Moline Pressed Steel Co., East Moline, IL
Date: about 1925
ID: 86.106.1
Gift of Charles F. Olmsted
Wilder Mfg. Co., St. Louis, MO
Date: 1925-1930
ID: 85.78.24