like dolls and kitchen equipment encouraged girls to practice
the many roles they would eventually play, as "modern"
housewives, nurturing mothers, style-conscious consumers,
and confidantes to other women. Baby doll play, which
became wildly popular during this time, let girls happily
practice and refine their nurturing skills for hours upon

of Dean's A1 Dolls, Toys,
Plush Animals, and Rag Books, 1929
Toy electric
Metal Ware Corp., Two Rivers, WI
Date: 1924
ID: 96.52.1
Gift of Virginia Blankenhorn
Dolly Ann
Kitchen Set
Androck, Rockford, IL
Date: 1927-1935
Doll Bassinet
Made in the United States
Date: about 1925
ID: 90.365.8
Gift of Steven K. Hamp |
Doll House
TynieToy , Providence, RI
Date: 1925-1935
ID: 72.177.572
Gift of Almena Gray Wilde |