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* 1910-1918 1920-1929 *


W.E.B. DuBois organizes the first Pan-African Congress in Paris
  Maid of Harlem, an all black musical starring Fats Waller, Mamie Smith, Johnny Dunn and Perry Bradford, is a hit at the Lincoln Theater in New York City


The Poetry Society of America Prize goes to Carl Sandburg for Cornhuskers

Major racial disturbances occur across America during what is later called the "Red Summer," over 100 people die and 1,000 are wounded


Shortwave radio is invented


Jan. 6: Theodore Roosevelt dies at age 60

Jan. 29: the 18th Amendment to the Constitution is ratified prohibiting the manufacture, sale and transport of intoxicating liquors (repealed in 1933)


Feb. 5: United Artists founded in Hollywood by Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and D.W. Griffith

April: A child labor provision passes in the Federal tax code, helping to reduce child labor by 40% by the end of the year

May 6: L. Frank Baum, author of the Wizard of Oz, dies at age 62


June 4: Congress approves the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting the right to vote to women; the Amendment is passed on to the states for ratification

June 28: Treaty of Versailles signed, bringing World War I to an official end and creating a League of Nations, the forerunner to the United Nations

July 4: Jack Dempsey defeats Jess Willard in three rounds for the World Heavyweight Boxing championship


Aug. 14: Chicago Tribune found guilty of libeling Henry Ford for calling him an anarchist


Aug. 25: First international daily air service begins between Paris and London

Sept: 365,000 steelworkers strike nationwide in protest over long hours and low pay


Oct. 1-9: Cincinnati Reds win World Series over Chicago White Sox 5 games to 3


Nov. 20: First U.S. municipal airport opens in Tucson, Arizona
* 1910-1918 1920-1929 *

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