1900 |
National Negro Business League is formed in Boston, sponsored by Booker T. Washington. |

L. Frank Baum writes The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. |
1901 |
Carrie Nation begins a crusade against alcohol, using an ax to demolish the interiors of saloons. |
A Frenchman sails around the Eiffel Tower in Paris in a dirigible balloon. |
1902 |
Congress makes free mail delivery to rural residents a permanent part of the United States postal system. |
1903 |

Wright Brothers fly the first airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. |

President Teddy Roosevelt designates Pelican Island, Florida, as the first national wildlife refuge. |
Henry Ford founds the Ford Motor Company and begins building Ford automobiles. |
1904 |
New York City gets it first subway line. |

Ice cream cones are introduced at the St. Louis World's Fair. |
National Child Labor Committee organized to encourage laws banning the employment of young children. |
1905 |
The first nickelodeon, a theater where people could see a short "moving picture" for a nickel, opened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. |
1906 |

Earthquake and fire destroy most of San Francisco, California. |
Pure Food and Drug Act made it illegal to make or sell food, drugs and alcohol containing improper ingredients, or to give false information on product labels. |
1907 |
Immigration to the United States peaks at 1.2 million, with most immigrants coming from southern or eastern Europe. |
1908 |

Henry Ford introduces his Model T automobile. |
Americans are singing hit songs like, "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." |
1909 |
Matthew Henson, an African-American, becomes the first man to reach the North Pole. |
W.E.B. DuBois helped found the National Association for Colored People (NAACP) to fight southern lynching and racial segregation. |

Coffee, a favorite American beverage since the Civil War, is now marketed in an "instant" form. |