1870 |
The 15th amendment guarantees that no male citizen will be deprived of the right to vote because of race, color or previous condition of servitude. |
The United States Weather Bureau is established. |
1871 |

A fire destroys the city of Chicago, Illinois. |
The first professional baseball association, the National Association of Professional Baseball Players, is organized. |
1872 |
Yellowstone National Park is established for the enjoyment of the public. |
1873 |
The United States experiences an economic depression, as over 5,000 companies go out of business after a stock market panic. |

The rapid settlement of the West, after railroads are built there, helps make the American buffalo almost extinct. |
1874 |
The typewriter offers Americans an alternative to writing business letters and reports by hand. |

America gets its first public zoo, the Philadelphia Zoological Gardens. |
1875 |

At his California nursery, Luther Burbank begins experiments to create new strains of berries, fruits, vegetables and grasses.
Congress passes a Civil Rights Bill prohibiting discrimination in public places. |
1876 |
United States celebrates 100 years as a nation. |
Almost 10 million people attend the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, which featured recent American inventions and products. |

Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone. |
Gen. George Custer and his soldiers are killed in a battle with the Sioux Indians at the Little Big Horn in Montana. |
1877 |
President Rutherford B. Hayes withdraws the last federal soldiers from the South, leaving the rights of African Americans unprotected. |
Thomas Edison invents the phonograph. |
Nez Perce war with the United States ends when federal troops capture Chief Joseph and his tribe. |
1878 |

A constitutional amendment to give women the right to vote is rejected by Congress. |
1879 |

Thomas Edison invents the first practical incandescent electric light at Menlo Park, New Jersey. |
Large numbers of disillusioned African Americans leave the South, many settling in Kansas and Oklahoma. |
Frank Woolworth opens his first successful five-and-ten cent store in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. |