1850 |
Congress passes a Fugitive Slave Law, requiring that people who had escaped enslavement be returned to their owners. |
At a time when women always wore skirts, women's rights advocate Amelia Bloomer wears a garment of full trousers, which became known as the bloomer costume. |
1851 |

The United States scores its first important victory in international sports when the yacht "America" defeats 14 British vessels in a sailing race.
In an effort to weaken the Fugitive Slave Law, many northern states begin to pass "personal liberty laws" intended to make it difficult for a plantation owner to regain escaped African Americans. |
1852 |
Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin, a novel about the cruelty of enslavement, increasing the desire of many northerners to abolish enslavement in the United States. |
Massachusetts passes a law requiring all children between the ages of 8 and 14 to attend school at least 12 weeks a year. |
1853 |

Commodore Matthew Perry sails to Japan, which had been closed to foreigners for almost two hundred years, opening that country to trade with the United States. |
Crystal Palace Exhibition is held in New York City to demonstrate American inventions and industrial progress. |
1854 |
Ashmun Institute, the first African-American college, is founded in Oxford, Pennsylvania. |
Naturalist and philosopher Henry David Thoreau writes Walden, a book which suggests that life is best lived simply, in harmony with nature and with few material possessions. |
1855 |
Financier Ezra Cornell begins organizing a national telegraph system, the Western Union Telegraph Company. |
John Roebling suspends a railroad bridge across Niagara Falls. |
1856 |
Year-long violence in the territory of Kansas costs 200 lives in a struggle to decide if enslavement will be allowed in Kansas when it becomes a state. |
1857 |

In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court denies African Americans the rights of American citizenship. |
The first passenger elevator is installed in a New York City store. |
1858 |
Cable laid across the Atlantic carries the first transatlantic telegraph messages between the United States and England, but goes out after 3 weeks. |
Overland mail service by stagecoach begins, connecting the east and west coasts of the United States. |
1859 |

John Brown, an abolitionist, leads an attack on the Federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. |
The drilling of an oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania, changes the way most Americans light their homes, as kerosene made from the oil replaces whale oil and candles. |