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1760-1769 *
Over a million people live in colonial America..
1751 * The first sugar cane is grown in America, introduced into Louisiana by Catholic missionaries from San Domingo. It is used to make rum.
The first general hospital opens in Philadelphia, offering medical care to people who are ill--except for those with an incurable or infectious disease.

* Benjamin Franklin flies a kite during a thunderstorm to prove that lightning is electricity.
John Schulyer brings the first steam engine in America to his New Jersey copper mine and uses it to pump water from the mine.
The French and Indian War begins as Britain declares war on France in the American colonies.


Benjamin Bannecker, an African American, makes the first clock built entirely in America.
British General Edward Braddock is mortally wounded in a French and Indian ambush near Fort Duquesne in western Pennsylvania. Twenty-three year-old George Washington assumes command of the retreating army of British and colonial troops.
The French under General Montcalm capture and destroy British colonial Fort Oswego in New York.
1757 whale Whale oil lamps street lamps, designed by Benjamin Franklin, are installed on a few streets in Philadelphia.
British troops drive the French from Fort Duquesne, which they rename Pittsburgh.
The French at Quebec, Canada surrender to the British.

1760-1769 *

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