the Model T"
Conduct oral history interviews to collect, interpret and present
reminiscences about the impact of the automobile on American life.
Grade level: 4-8
Related Subjects: Social Studies, English Language Arts, Mathematics
The Road Trip: Then and Now
Go "back to the future" and plan vacations for the years 1919
and 1997.
Grade level: 4-8
Related Subjects: Social Studies, English Language Arts
The $5.00 Day: A Mixed Blessing?
Explore, evaluate and write a persuasive essay about the impact
of the $5.00 day
Grade level: 4-8
Related Subjects: Social Studies, English Language Arts
A Picture Worth a Thousand Words
"Reading" photographs for clues and insights about the past.
Grade Level 4-8
Related Subjects: Social Studies, English Language Arts
"The Ad Game"
Investigating changes in persuasive techniques used in advertising.
Grade Level 4-8
Related Subjects: Social Studies, English Language Arts

Social Studies Activities
The auto industry, then and now
Transportation, 1919
Planning a trip
Reading a photograph
Moving for work
The evolution of the gas station
Language Arts Activities
Oral History
Reading a photograph
What if .....
Want to buy a car??
Mathematics Activities
Inflation at work
Assembly line math
Financing the car
The birth of the suburbs
Lightness in weight
Create your own web site