In November 1934, down-on-her-luck Eva Tanguay wrote to Henry Ford asking him to give her a Ford car. At this time, Eva was crippled by arthritis and very short of funds. She hoped that improved mobility would help her get around to look for work as a radio performer. Frank Campsall, Henry Ford’s secretary, regretfully replied that Mr. Ford could not fulfill such requests as he received so many of them.
Nov 26th
Mr. Henry Ford-
Dear Mr. Ford-
This letter is from Eva Tanguay (of the stage) I hope you [remember] me, once you were in the audience when I played Detroit- and anyone who has seen me before the footlights is interested in me. Somehow I prompted to write you- I'm not asking for money- you may know of my case, I went almost totally blind a few years ago. This stopped my success at the theatres, I had invested three hundred thousand in real estate, fourteen houses in Hollywood, thinking it would protect me in my old days. But now I have lost all, after two operations on my eyes I now have perfect vision (wearing glasses) but have an alarming case of arthritis. It is a terrible ailment being unable to walk, I was thinking in the generosity of your heart could give me a car. I know you have given many away and to people who could buy one. I have always had a car having owned eleven, but now have nothing. I live off a sort of an alley in a small house which is set in back of a big one, there is no view other than the backyards of other houses paying twenty a month* you get an idea of what it is like. I do not go out for I cannot walk far. It is very sad to have had so much and be cut down to poverty, but my illness prevents me from doing any work. Although I could sing on radio if the programme was without the audience viewing the entertainer, I have earned thirty-five hundred a week, three thousand and most always a twenty-five hundred, so you may know I'm no tramp, having lived the very best, my home consisted of gold glasses silver plates and everything that meant refinement, now I'm alone and cut off entirely from my world I so loved. If I had a car I could go out afternoons and might connect some way with managers, agents- and find something to do. Think it over Mr. Ford- I would give the story to the newspapers although you don't need the publicity, it would be thought a mighty noble deed on your part. I can drive but there is no way of me getting one- God Bless you |