Ivory Soap advertisement
for a prize contest in 1939, similar to other contests that Procter
& Gamble held during the late 1930s. Ladies' Home Journal,
February, 1939, p. 10, Periodicals Collection.
of Miss Porter from a newspaper article about her industrial nursing
career, at the time of her retirement, The Milwaukee Journal,
October 11, 1959, Part 6, Page 13.
ID 99.255.3
Gift of Monica Lepine Starrett
Miss Porter, a Registered Nurse for the Chain Belt Company
of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, formed their medical department and pioneered
workplace safety equipment from 1929 through 1959. During the
1930s Depression, she felt fortunate to have a job, let alone
an interesting career. Although she worked hard, she could not
afford a car and got around Milwaukee by walking, taking the bus
or the streetcar. On weekends she often visited her parents in
her hometown of Elkhorn about 45 miles southwest of Milwaukee,
traveling by train or hitching rides with relatives. She dreamed
of someday owning her own car.
In 1937, Rispah Porter took a step towards fulfilling this dream
and entered Procter & Gamble’s Ivory Soap contest hoping
to win the prize of a new Pontiac automobile. She may have read
about this Ivory Soap contest in a magazine or heard about it
on the “O'Neills” radio program, which was sponsored
by Ivory Soap. To enter the contest, the contestant had to write
a letter explaining why they liked Ivory Soap. According to family
members’ recollections, her letter began “As a Registered
Nurse…” and went on to explain why she only used Ivory
Soap in the medical clinic of her company.
On March 19, 1937 she received a telegram informing her that
she was the winner of a 1937 Pontiac and a year’s supply
of gasoline. She quickly took driving lessons and was soon able
to drive herself to visit her parents in Elkhorn. Her family kept
the telegram and photograph of her with the car and donated them
to The Henry Ford in 1999. Her niece, Monica Starrett gathered
the family stories about her Aunt Ris and the Ivory Soap contest
for this online exhibit.
® Ivory Soap is a Registered Trademark of the Procter &
Gamble Corporation.
Cynthia Read-Miller, Curator, Photography and Prints