The Planes: 1915 Laird Biplane

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Length: 19' 5";
Wingspan: 25' 4";
Weight (empty): 600 lbs.
Construction Materials: Wood (plywood, ash and spruce), fabric, braced
with wire
Builder: Emil “Matty” Laird,
Chicago, Illinois
Cost: Unknown
Number Built: 1
Engine Type: Anzani, 6-cylinder, 45-horsepower,
radial, air-cooled internal combustion engine
Engine Builder: Anzani Engine Company,
Courbevoie, France
Configuration: 1-pilot/1-passenger tractor
Maximum Speed: 65-70 m.p.h.
Matty Laird, a young airplane designer, built this
plane when he was not yet 21 years old. He dubbed it “the