This web page provides information about ownership of copyright in content at and other sites under its control (“Site”), permission for the public to use certain content at the Site, including still images, text, video, sound files (“Content”), and the process for copyright owners to notify The Henry Ford if they believe the Site improperly posts Content that infringes their copyright.
© 2011 The Henry Ford
The Henry Ford makes no claim of copyright in public domain works, government works, or certain Content acquired by The Henry Ford and posted for educational, nonprofit use.
The Henry Ford is making more of its collections available for online viewing, downloading, and use by the public. Because Content may be subject to various legal rights (copyright, trademark, right of privacy, right of publicity, endorsement), please read this carefully before copying or using material from this website.
- Some Rights Reserved.
Some of the Content at the Site is identified with the designation “Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND.” This indicates that you may make certain noncommercial uses of Content in which The Henry Ford holds copyright, provided that you give attribution to The Henry Ford and do not further adapt or modify the Content. See for the terms of the license. See for more information about Creative Commons. See the section below, “Your Responsibility,” for more information about limitations that still may exist with respect to Content tagged as “Some Rights Reserved.”
- “Some Rights Reserved” – Text on the Site. As a technical matter, The Henry Ford does not “tag” the text displayed on the Site. Such text may provide historical information about exhibits, upcoming events, objects in our collections, and other matters relating to the mission of The Henry Ford. Please consider such information available to you under the “Some Rights Reserved” license.
- Public Domain.
When an organization believes that there is no known copyright in Content, typically when the Content is quite old, it is considered to be in the public domain. We have identified this Content with the designation, “No Known Copyright.” This indicates that The Henry Ford knows of no copyright in the Content. We would appreciate if you gave attribution to The Henry Ford as the source of the Content, so long as it has not been adapted or modified. See for more information about the public domain attribution. See the section below, “Your Responsibility,” for more information about limitations that still may exist with respect to Content tagged as Public Domain.
- Usage Restricted. Some material accessed at or through the Site has been made available to The Henry Ford with certain restrictions. Such Content is designated “Usage Restricted.” The nature and duration of the restrictions vary. We are able to make the Content viewable by you at this Site, or for copying for scholarship or research, but may not be authorized to allow you to make further uses. To receive information on licensing such Content for reproduction, please contact us at
- If There is No Copyright Designation. Much of the Content at the Site has been reviewed for copyright ownership. Some Content accessible through the Site has not been reviewed or tagged. For example, a “search” feature that allows viewing and downloading of library and archival materials in the Benson Ford Research Center can enable access to hundreds of thousands of documents. Please do not assume that untagged Content accessible at or through the Site is available without restriction. It is subject to existing intellectual property laws and contract rights (if any) and your use needs to be consistent with any such limitations.
- Your Responsibility. Because we are an historical, educational, scientific, and cultural institution, some Content contains trademarks, illustrations, recognizable faces, and other elements that may raise issues other than copyright. The Henry Ford does not claim exclusive ownership of the rights to all the material in our collections. Copyright and other proprietary rights in material on this website may be held by individuals or entities other than or in addition to The Henry Ford. It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of “Public Domain” or “Some Rights Reserved” Content is lawful and in accordance with those other rights.
- Our Responsibility. The Henry Ford respects the intellectual property rights of others and the concerns of our community. We want to hear from any rights owners so that we may obtain accurate copyright information, and from others in our community to correct, clarify, or augment historical information that we post in connection with the Content. Please contact us if you have any comments or questions. Please note that The Henry Ford may, for any reason, remove, disable, restrict and/or terminate access to any material on or linked to or from this site. Our procedure under the DMCA provision of the U.S. Copyright Act is set forth below.
We hope you find this information helpful, and appreciate your interest in our collections.
For procedures on notifying The Henry ford of claimed copyright infringement, please see our Digital Millennium Copyright Act Compliance Page.
For all other copyright inquiries, please contact us at