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This newspaper advertisement for the Tucker appeared in The Sunday Bulletin of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 18, 1947. It reads, in part:

Now FLOWING Power. Flowing power-sure as a mighty stream-moves direct from engine to wheels through double hydraulic torque converters. No conventional transmission or clutch...or conventail differential, either. And power goes to both drive wheels. So it's impossible to be stalled by one wheel spinning on ice.

Another First for Tucker. One reason Tucker '48 gives you more car for your money is the Tucker Cost Control Program which plans and budgets in advance every corporate activity including engineering, manufacturing, administrative and sales, both from time and money standpoint. This Program, established before production for the first time by J. D. Stearns, Tucker Controller, formerly of Cadillac Div., General Motors, combines with elimination of over 800 parts of conventional cars to give you a new standard of value.

Tucker '48
COMPLETELY NEW ... Yet with Engineering Principles COMPLETELY PROVED

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