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By 1914, the Model T was selling so well, Ford saw little reason to spend much on advertising. The company dropped most of its ads in national magazines that year, and in 1917, halted paid advertising altogether. Ford did not buy anymore ad space for the Model T until 1923.

Please Note: The excerpts provided may not contain the complete text of the advertisement and may not reflect the exact punctuation and emphasis of the original.

Here's an Ad! 1908
This advertisement appeared in Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal promising a new low-priced automobile for 1908.

"As Per Usual - will eclipse everything else."
"There'll be one new runabout - a light roadster that will show the way to everything else on wheels, quality, [...] performance, and appearance beyond compare."
"In line for the agency yet?"

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Here's another ad! 1908
This ad appeared in Life magazine on October 1, 1908.

"The Ford Four Cylinder, Twenty Horse Power, Five Passenger Touring Car $850.00 Fob. Detroit"
"We defy anyone to break a Ford Vanadium steel part with any test or strain less than 50% greater than is required to put any other special automobile steel entirely out of business."

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This ad is kinda funny 1912
The Model T also came in the form of a delivery truck, and this advertisement from a 1912 Automobile Trade Journal contrasted the cost of keeping a horse vs. keeping a Ford.

"FORD The Universal Car"
"Ford delivery cars cost but $700 f.o.b. Detroit - complete with all equipment."

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This ad is in color 1924
Ad No. Ford magazine 46 - McKinney, Marsh, & Cushing, Inc. Detroit, Michigan

"Anticipation of a joyous, carefree vacation are abundantly realized when a Ford closed car provides easy access to town or country."
"An increasing number of women who prefer to drive their own cars, are selecting the Ford Fordor Sedan [...]"

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This is a wonderful ad for the American Woman! 1924
Ad No. F. M. 66. This "liberating" ad appeared in the October issues of Delineator, Designer, and Pictorial Review in 1924.

"FREEDOM for the woman who owns a Ford"
"To own a Ford is to be free to venture into new and untried places. It is to answer every challenge of Nature, [...], safely, surely, and without fatigue."

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For you entrepenuers (sp?) 1924
Ad No. F.B.M. 68. This one appeared in The Youth's Companion and American Boy in May and June of 1924.

"The Ford Runabout is a profitable partner and a happy companion for the boy who is making his mark in business and at school."
"The Runabout $265 F.O.B. Detroit Demountable Rims and Starter $85 Extra"
"Let us tell you how easy it is to buy a Ford on the Weekly Purchase Plan."

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A last ditch attempt to attract customers to a dying model 1927
A dealer advertisement from Troy, Alabama, February 28, 1927.

"DO YOU KNOW? YOU CAN BUY A NEW FORD COUPE With the New Pyroxylin Finish for $189.00 Cash"
"Mary-Hall Motor Co."

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