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Our guestbooks are now closed. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories!

great site for information for school reports keep the site going.
- Thursday, June 08, 2000 at 18:14:43 (EDT)
get a new bettle
josh marshall <>
jackson, mi jackson - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 16:23:56 (EDT)
Jerry Feltis <>
Grand Forks, ND Grand Forks - Friday, May 07, 1999 at 14:24:55 (EDT)
Since I'm a Duryea I like to learn about our history. I'm only 11,and I found your site very interesting.I found out the basic facts about these wonderful 2.Keep up the good work!!!!!! THANKS
Gemini <>
Vincennes, IN USA - Friday, March 12, 1999 at 17:17:07 (EST)
All that is is a buggy with a small motor.
Dick Whiteley <>
Lubbock, TX - Sunday, February 07, 1999 at 17:03:55 (EST)
This web site is cool keep it going. bye!!!!
danny <>
aurora, Wv - Wednesday, February 03, 1999 at 10:28:14 (EST)
I have enjoyed your museum very much. It was a wonderful experience. I liked the photos you have. Sometime in the future I would like to come to see the museum in real life.
Lexington, KY U.S.A - Friday, January 22, 1999 at 15:16:57 (EST)
I was told the J Frank Duryea died in Pasadena CA in the late 50s or early 60s. Do you know if this is true. I was told he lived at the old Green Hotel in Pasadena. Thank You for your website and the excellent information.
Robert <>
CA - Sunday, January 03, 1999 at 03:41:42 (EST)
Ey Yo, Wassup Home Slices? This be ya homey D. Know what I'm sayin? Aight. You's got some heavy cars here, this Henry Ford dude was pretty phat. Know wha I'm sayin? Aight. Well, I'll be leavin now.... Kickin Website.. -Dave out
Dave Sheris <>
Saint Clair, PA USA - Friday, October 23, 1998 at 12:05:03 (EDT)
Hello, My grandpa is Charles Theodor Duryea . When ever we go to his house his son always brings him books and stuff he got off the internet. So his whole house is full of stuff from the Duryea automobile. I just tought you like to know.
K'lynne (Duryea) Gabb <MGABB 73486 @ . AOL.COM>
LEE'S SUMMIT, MO USA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 14:15:25 (EDT)
My mom has stories about the "Duryea" and she even has shares of prefered stock. Anyone interested in either, please call 1-228-497-1062
Gary W. Snyder <>
Gautier, Ms USA - Sunday, June 14, 1998 at 21:16:01 (EDT)
Herbert Abbott <>
New Castle, Va. USA - Thursday, April 30, 1998 at 00:01:10 (EDT)

Other memories

October 21, 1996 - Kirk Gibson writes:

Your Duryea was rescued from a farmer's field near Reading, PA, in 1944 by Mr. Kirkland H. Gibson, of North Kingstown, RI (my father). While the car was being hauled to RI, the driver was flagged over by an elderly gentleman who asked where i t was going. The next day, the gentleman, who turned out to be Charles B. King, drove J. Frank Duryea to my father's house. Mr. Duryea asked if he could rebuild the car, and his offer was immediately accepted. He took it to his home in Madison, CT, and rebuilt it from the original drawings and with some of the original tools, in time to drive in the reenactment of the 1895 Times Herald race, which was held in Chicago in 1945.

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