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March 1996


Broadside: $4000 Personal Property at Auction
Date: ca. 1866    ID: 31.1310.1

Broadsides were a popular medium of information in the 19th century. Printed in a wide variety of single sheet sizes, they were used to advertise products, services, sales and entertainments. They were also used to announce public events, political candidates and commemorative ceremonies. While broadsides are largely textual, many contain illustrations along with the text.

This broadside is advertising a personal property auction. It reads,
"$4000 Personal Property at Auction / Thursday, March 29, at 10 o'clock / The subscriber having sold his Farm, will sell at Auction, on his Farm, at the Village of Farmington /

230 Sheep, 12 Cows, 6 Work Horses, 2 four year old Colts, 1 three year old Colt, 1 yoke large fat Oxen, 2 four spring Wagons, 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 Horse Rake, 1 Hay Rake, 1 covered Buggy, 1 pair Bob Sleighs, 2 sets silver plated Double Harness, 1 set Double Carriage Harness, 4 Buffalo Robes, 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Corn Sheller, 1 Horse Hay Fork,
About 50 Tons Hay, and 1600 or 1700 Bushels Corn, in Lots to suit Purchasers. Also many other small Articles.

TERMS OF SALE: -- $25 and under, cash, over $25 and under $50, six months; over $50, one year, on approved Notes with interest, for everything except the Cows and Oxen.

Farmington, March 22, 1866 J. B. FAIRCHILD"

Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village has many broadsides dating from the 18th through the 20th century. Please contact the Research Center for more information.


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