· Heroes of the Sky Lesson
Plans and Pilot Logs
· Discovery Decks
· Heroes of the Sky Interactive CD-ROM
· Museum Quests for Heroes of the Sky
· Big Culture Lesson
of the Sky Lesson Plans and Pilot Logs
For use in the classroom and in the museum! Request your free Heroes
of the Sky Pilot Logs for each student in your class to use when
you visit the Henry Ford Museum's newest exhibit!. All activities
align with Michigan Curriculum Framework Science, Social Studies
or English Language Arts Content Standards and Benchmarks.
Discovery Decks
Planes K-3
Flight 4th-8th
Much more than a scavenger hunt, themed Discovery Decks contain cards that help
teachers, group leaders and students explore the 40,000 square foot exhibit Heroes
of the Sky. Each card connects to social studies, math, science and language
arts curricula and includes questions and activities to engage students during
and after a field trip. No pencils or paper needed!
$5.00 per deck includes shipping. To order in advance of your
visit, contact our Call Center at 313.982.6001. Purchase on site
from museum, village or IMAX ticket sellers.
of the Sky Interactive CD ROM
Experience Henry Ford Museum's Heroes of the
Sky exhibit at school
or home on your computer. Take a virtual tour of the 40,000-square-foot
exhibit, play games, and view historic movies from the exhibit and
a time line of aviation milestones. You can even explore the cockpits
of planes!
Museum Quests for Heroes of the Sky!
Museum Quests are new web-based
lesson plans that use our exhibits and begin and end in your classroom.
Museum Quests are designed to:
Help provide direction and structure
for your field trip |
Link directly to curriculum content
standards |
Promote investigating, observing,
creating, discovering, collaborating, imagining and problem
solving in selected exhibits |
Click on a lesson plan you would like
try with your students!
Big Culture Lesson
With a grant from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs,
The Henry Ford and Romulus Community Schools collaborated to
create model programs and materials for students and teachers.
Project activities were built around a new Henry Ford Museum
exhibit Heroes of the Sky. Lesson plans and onsite students
materials--Pilot Logs that could be used by teachers and students
in the Museum and classroom were developed. Learn more.