Dramatic Presentation in Henry Ford Museum. A 30-minute musical and dramatic program that addresses the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.
This Resource is for:Educators; Youth and Scouts; Students; Leadership
Theme:American Democracy and Civil Rights
Type of Use:Onsite Program, Daily in February
Curriculum Connection:U.S. History; Civics; Cross-disciplinary Thinking
National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies Strands II, V, VI, X Michigan Social Studies Grade Level and High School Content Expectations 1 - H1.0.6; 2 - H2.0.3, H2.0.5; 6 - H1.2.5, H1.4.1, H1.4.2; 7 - H1.2.6, H1.4.1, H1.4.2; 9-12 - USHG 8.3.1 9-12 - Civics 1.1.1, 6.2.3, 6.2.5, 6.2.8 Grade/Age Level:Early Elementary; Upper Elementary; Middle School; High School; Adults
Time Period:Era 8: Post-WWII United States
Pricing:Free with Museum admission
Venue:Henry Ford Museum
Tags:African American, song, music, Martin Luther King, drama, play, story, theater