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Online Lesson Plans. Uses selected primary sources. Includes these lessons: Remembering the Model T; The Road Trip: Then and Now; The $5 Day: Mixed Blessing?, A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words; The Ad Game.
This Resource is for:Educators
Theme:Transportation in America
Topic:Henry Ford and Innovation; Transportation, Past, Present and Future
Type of Use:Unit Plan
Curriculum Connection:U.S. History; Economics; Business; Cross-disciplinary Thinking
National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies Strands II, VIII Michigan Social Studies Grade Level and High School Content Expectations 1 - E1.0.2 2 - H2.0.3, H2.0.4 4 - H3.0.1, H3.0.6 6 - H1.2.2, H1.2.5, H1.4.1, H1.4.2 7 - H1.2.2, H1.2.6, H1.4.1, H1.4.2 9-12 - USHG 6.1.1, 6.1.5
Grade/Age Level:Upper Elementary; Middle School; High School
Time Period:Era 6: The Development of an Industrial, Urban and Global United States; Era 9: America in a new global age
Tags:advertising, media, $5 Day, Sociological Department, Ford Motor Company, immigrant, worker, African American, assembly line, oral history, primary document