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Self-guided itinerary for Ford Rouge Factory Tour. Explore the factory through the lens of how the needs of plants and animals in an ecosystem can be impacted by humans. For Grades 3-5.
This Resource is for:Educators
Theme:Science and Technology
Type of Use:Onsite Activity
Curriculum Connection:Science; Environmental Education; Technology/Engineering; Creative Problem Solving; Cross-disciplinary Thinking
Michigan Science Grade Level Content Expectations: 2 - L.OL.02.14; 3 - L.OL.03.41, E.ES.03.52; 4 - L.OL.04.15, L.OL.04.16, L.EC.04.11, L.EC.04.21; 5 - L.EV.05.12; National Standards for Science Education: Life Science, Science and Technology, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives, History and Nature of Science
Grade/Age Level:Upper Elementary
Time Period:Era 6: The Development of an Industrial, Urban and Global United States; Era 7: The Great Depression and WWII; Era 8: Post-WWII United States; Era 9: America in a new global age
Venue:Ford Rouge Factory Tour
Tags:Ford Rouge Factory Tour, ecosystems, life, usgbc