Elementary School Teacher Packet. Showcases the Ford Rouge Factory Tour as it explores how the needs of plants and animals in an ecosystem can be impacted by humans. For Grades 3-5.
This Resource is for:Educators
Theme:Science and Technology
Type of Use:Unit Plan
Curriculum Connection:Science; Environmental Education; Technology/Engineering; Creative Problem Solving; Cross-disciplinary Thinking
Michigan Science Grade Level Content Expectations: 2 - L.OL.02.14; 3 - L.OL.03.41, E.ES.03.52; 4 - L.OL.04.15, L.OL.04.16, L.EC.04.11, L.EC.04.21; 5 - L.EV.05.12; National Standards for Science Education: Life Science, Science and Technology, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives, History and Nature of Science; Common Core State Standards: English Language Arts, Grade 3 - RI.3.1, RI.3.2, RI.3.4, RI.3.7, RI.3.10, RF.3.4, W.3.6, W.3.7, W.3.8, W.3.10, SL.3.1, SL.3.2, SL.3.4, SL.3.5, L.3.1, L.3.2, L.3.3, L.3.4, L.3.6, Grade 4 - RI.4.1, RI.4.4, RI.4.10, RF.4.4, W.4.6, W.4.7, W.4.9b, W.4.10, SL.4.1, SL.4.2, SL.4.4, L.4.1, L.4.2, L.4.3, L.4.4, L.4.6, Grade 5 - RI.5.1, RI.5.4, RI.5.10, W.5.6, W.5.7, W.5.9b, W.5.10, SL.5.1, SL.5.2, SL.5.4, L.5.1, L.5.2, L.5.3, L.5.4, L.5.6 Grade/Age Level:Upper Elementary
Time Period:Era 6: The Development of an Industrial, Urban and Global United States; Era 7: The Great Depression and WWII; Era 8: Post-WWII United States; Era 9: America in a new global age
Venue:Ford Rouge Factory Tour
Tags:ecosystems, nature, garden, environment, recycling, stewardship, usgbc