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Sales Literature

Please Note: The excerpts provided may not contain the complete text of the literature and may not reflect the exact punctuation and emphasis of the original.
front cover

This sales brochure was probably first distributed in the fall of 1895. On the cover, Charles E. Duryea is shown seated in his 1895 automobile. This vehicle was used to establish the Duryea Motor Wagon Company in September 1895.

Cover Excerpt:
Duryea Motor Wagon Company, / Springfield, Mass., / Mfrs. of / Motor Wagons, / Motors and ... / Automobile Vehicles / of all kinds.

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Inside of Brochure Inside Excerpt:
The Duryea Motor Wagon shown on preceeding page is believed to be the finest article of its class yet made. / It appears much as does the common wagon. / It makes little or no noise or odor. / [ ] It is easily managed by anyone with but little instruction. / [ ] It is thoroughly practical on all roads over which common traffic passes / [ ] It is not dangerous either from fire or explosion.
ID: 92.150.3910

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