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November 2013 Pic of the Month

John F. Kennedy: New Collections, New Stories

From the outset of his presidential campaign, John F. Kennedy seemed to understand instinctively how to use the new medium of television.  Ted Sorensen, an advisor and speechwriter for Kennedy, later explained why the medium of television worked so well for him: “His unadorned manner of delivery, his lack of gestures and dramatic inflections, his slightly shy but earnest charm…were exactly right for the living room.”

When he became President, Kennedy again gambled on his personal charm by holding the first-ever live television press conferences.  His understanding of the power of television would set the model for all future presidents.

The first televised debate between Senator Kennedy and Vice-President Nixon was considered a key turning point in the 1960 Presidential election. This TV Guide feature story reminded viewers to watch this unprecedented event on the evening of September 26, 1960. Seventy million people did indeed tune in—the largest number of television viewers ever to watch a political event on TV! Kennedy came across as poised and confident, while Nixon looked awkward and uncomfortable. In the end, radio listeners thought Nixon had won the debate—but, to TV viewers, Kennedy was the hands-down winner. 2013.96.1
  President Kennedy held the first live televised Presidential press conference on January 25, 1961, and continued this regularly throughout his Presidency. This Souvenir Card depicts President Kennedy recognizing a reporter during a nationwide televised press conference on April 3, 1963. His hand is casually placed in his pocket, giving him an informal and approachable appearance.


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