The Henry Ford
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August 2013 Pic of the Month

Henry Ford’s Classical Violins

Violin, 1709
Antonio Stradivari
Cremona, Italy .

Antonio Stradivari (circa 1644-1737) was the leading stringed-instrument maker in Cremona, Italy—an important center of stringed instrument production—from the 1680s until the 1730s.  Ford’s 1709 violin was made during Stradivari’s “golden era” (1700-1720), a period which saw the creation of violins of extremely high quality and exquisite precision.  Ford’s 1709 Stradivari violin got its name—“the Siberian”—because it was once owned by a Russian amateur violinist named Thieme who lived in Siberia.  Thieme had purchased the violin from Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume (1798-1875), an illustrious French violinmaker.



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