A Wright Brother
Flies in France
The First Public Demonstration
It was time to demonstrate what
their flying machine could do. While Orville
went off to Fort Myer, Virginia to demonstrate
their flyer to the United States military,
Wilbur went to France to face what was perhaps
their most skeptical public. These would
be their first official public demonstrations!
Late in the summer of 1908, at a horse racing
track near Le Mans, France, Wilbur climbed
into the flying machine and showed a disbelieving
nation what it could do. Not only did the
plane fly, but he demonstrated its ability
to bank and turn that was wholly lacking
in the clumsy French machines. Next, he wowed
on-lookers by effortlessly performing figure
eights. French aviator Rene Gasner exclaimed, "…Who
can now doubt that the Wrights have done
all they claimed?...We are children compared
with the Wrights!" Over the course of
the next five months, Wilbur made a series
of more than 100 spectacular flights, captivating
the French public. Word of the remarkable
flights quickly spread to the rest of Europe
and around the world.
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