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Custom_CabA few months before I was born, Dad got a brand-new 1966 GMC fleetside pick-up truck. Terrace blue, stick-shift -- #1 Granny Gear, then 2, 3, 4, the biggest motor he could afford, and a grinning chrome front bumper. He drove it to work downtown, we took it camping with the Homelite camper on the back, and when I turned 15, he taught me to drive in it.
We went to the churchyard next door where they had piled the snow in huge mounds -- maybe 10 feet tall. Good thing, especially when I got my feet confused and went headfirst into a snowbank. After I got the hang of it, we were Hell on wheels.
I drove it through high school and all through college; I always felt safe and oh, so proud of my ride. Thanks, Dad!