Local Roots Menu Preview Evening DiningApril 14, 2014Be one of the first guests to try the brand-new spring Eagle Tavern menu. Local Roots Spring Evening DiningMay 2, 2014Come see how the French have influenced Michigan’s cuisine. |
Click on an artifact below to see how the foods we ate and the ways we prepared them have changed over the last three centuries.
About 1960
Cook’s Apron / Chef’s Hat
Gift of Robert and Rosemary Brasie
As people moved to the leafy suburbs of prosperous 1950s America, they
rediscovered the pleasures of outdoor cooking and eating. In the land of backyard barbecue grills, male cooks reigned. They happily cooked meats like hot dogs, hamburgers and steaks on an outdoor grill for their families, while their wives prepared side dishes like potato salad in the kitchen.
A suburban Detroit man donned this sailboat-themed apron and chef’s hat for backyard barbecues in the early 1960s. |