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I own a 1949 ford that was put together in australia. It has am American made front but a australian made rear. The car is what we call a ute, it is like what americans call a pickup but more like a normal car.The car was built by ford australia and it is funny to see the difference in the way it was made. The front is normal but the rear is like a much older car with timber under the steel. I am told the first ute was a 1932 ford that a man made in australia and soon ford began to make them. they still make utes now.
The car has 55000 miles on the clock but it does need a lot of work on the body.The old v8 still runs like a treat. E de Rooy <spinner@picknowl.com.au> Adelaide, S.A Australia - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 08:34:31 (EDT) The '49 Ford is my favorite car.I was born the same year and feel very close to her! I would love to get some literature on her! I prefer the basic black sedan! I'm glad I found this site! David M. Kennerly <epirep@aol.com> Roanoke, Va USA - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 22:06:49 (EDT) What memories this stirs. My very first car, I was sixteen and still living at home. My Dad helped me get my very first car a 1949 Maroon colored four door. In 1958 that was all I could afford, I paid a whopping $200.00 for it. Three speed on the column with Overdrive. I wasn't allowed to have a V-8 so settled for a flat head 6 cylinder. Wow what a car. Two friends of mine also had 1949 cars, one a Chevy, and the other a Hudson. My first race was with the 49's, boy were they surprised when my flat head beat them cold. Never told my Dad about that one, would have been kicked out of the house for sure. What memories that car has. I'm going to have to look at some old 8mm movies and see if that car is filmed. If anyone out there has a 4 door maroon sure would like the picture. What memories!! Don Wagoner <dbnsy@effectnet.com> Brush Prairie, WA USA - Saturday, April 08, 2000 at 21:48:46 (EDT) How do you read the complete VIN code on a 1949 Ford? Doug Keene <doug.keene@lvvwd.com> - Monday, April 03, 2000 at 23:18:12 (EDT) Could you send me any information for my rechearch paper on Henry ford? nick butler <macgjb@att.net> Washington, iIL United states - Friday, March 03, 2000 at 11:01:18 (EST) I am currently working on a project for school about fords i would like to know when was the last T-bird manufactored? it would help me greatly since all the great info i have found doesnt tell me when my favorite car was discontinued. Brad Brad Michalik <Andrew_4001@yahoo.com> Atlanta, Ga Fulton - Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 18:55:33 (EST) If you like this 49 or the 32 check out www.earlyfordv8.org for more info. Rusty Davis <rustydavis@hotmail.com> Monroe, MI USA - Monday, December 27, 1999 at 17:22:50 (EST) Can someone please answer a question for me? As a young boy growing up our family had a 49 Ford fordor sedan. I seem to remember a headlight in the middle of the grill . Was this an accessory offered by FMC or was this an add on by someone else? I would appreciate any information on this. Thank You! R. Puryear <www.puryear@zianet.com> Alamogordo, nm usa - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 00:34:30 (EST) I think this is the best site I have found. I hope to have a 49 My self very soon. The 49ford is a unique car. I love this time period the true hot roders. later all you cats and kittens Robert yaney robert yaney <wingard@prodigy.net> - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 22:11:29 (EST) Very, very good... Really. Information is full enough. By the way, I have a Soviet car "Volga-21" of 1966, that is very simple to this "Ford". All the details of my car are its own and it looks like a new one! Such cars were produced in the Soviet Union from 1956 till 1968. In 1959 it had got a grand-prix of the Brussels car exibit. After that, in 1961 Nikita S. Khruschev (the prime-minister of the USSR in 1953 - 1964) had presented "Volga" to the FIRST cosmonaut of the planet Earth - Yuri Gagarin. If anybody will be interested, please mail me and I'll try to send you a history of "Volga-21" with colorprints of my car. Dima Kuznetsov <kudims@hydro.nsc.ru> Novosibirsk, Russia - Saturday, November 06, 1999 at 07:46:20 (EST) In 1953 I sold my 1941 FORD Club COUPE and bought a 1949 FORD tuedoor for $999.00. It was a v-8 w/overdrove. It was a big change from the 41 w/(buggy) leaf springs to one with coil on the front and two leaf springs on the rear.The car would get around 19 mpg on the road. I Had duel pipes(smitties), fender skirts,and lowered the rear end. Also had 54 bar hub caps. All these things were in back then.I'm forgeting the wide white wall tires on the car. John Magee <jmageep51@aol.com> Greeley, CO USA - Monday, October 25, 1999 at 22:08:29 (EDT) Does anyone know what the average price was for a Ford in 1949? colleen <colleenbob> chicago, il usa - Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:16:05 (EDT) I have 2 1949 Fords. A restored 2 door club coupe which I purchased from the original owner about 30 years ago and a convertible. The convertible, which was in the movie American Graffiti, is a driver but is due to go into the shop for restoration this year. I have had 49's since high school and love to chat about them. Lou Rinaldi <loumar@powernet.net> Reno, NV USA - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 10:28:47 (EDT) It was great to see this information on the 1949 Ford.My family had a black Tudor with grey upholstery and that was the first car I remember our family had.it was also the year I was born.My parents always had Ford cars and they lasted a long time.My grandfather had a red 1953 Ford four door that my mother later had.All the Fords my family had were fine cars and I hope the company continues to manufacture automobiles of the finest quality.I hope the Ford family continues lead the company into the next century. Thomas Josephi <history 2 stargate .net> Pittsburgh, Pa. Allegheny - Sunday, October 10, 1999 at 16:06:59 (EDT) I like Greenfield Village alot. Nikhil Kalothia <nikhilk@mediaone.net> Westland, MI USA - Thursday, October 07, 1999 at 16:45:09 (EDT) In the mid fifties, when I was about 9, a guy named Chuck, who was 7 years my senior, lived down the street from us in Los Angeles. He had this neat 49 ford V-8 coupe that he was customizing. Since he wanted to get to know my "beautiful older sister", He let me hang with him while he nosed, decked, installed a 54 corvette grille, frenched the head & tail lights, lowered the front (we called it "dagoed"), & finally painted it Candy Apple Red. It took almost 2 years to complete. That car with its "tuck & roll", foot controlled cowbell, & "spinners" turned more heads than Pamela Lee. That included my sister's, by the way; they've been happily married now for nearly 40 years & I'm going to show him this website for his 60th birthday. Amazing what them damn fords can do. Paul Thomson <CaliPThom@aol.com> Calimesa, Ca - Sunday, September 19, 1999 at 00:50:39 (EDT) Could someone please tell me if the 1949 Ford had push button door handles or the pull type exterior door handles? Tommy Tackett <ttackett1@setel.com> Jenkins, KY - Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 20:04:46 (EDT) I got my drivers license as a Junior in high school, April 1st, 1963. What a great time to be a teen-ager. However my biggest thrill was getting my first car. My brother Paul gave me a nice '49 Tudor Sedan. It had just been repainted a dark green and with that new set of wide white 'port-a-walls' mounted on the tires, well, it may as well had been a Duesenburg to me. I was so proud of that car. You know it's true, you never forget your first love and mine was that little '49 FORD. Ray Bombardier <bomma@mediaone.net> milFORD, MA U.S.A. - Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 10:29:20 (EDT) Since seeing Robert Mitchum drive one in "Thunder Road" as a kid, I've always wanted a '49. I finally got my chance, recently picking up a 1949 Tudor, 'fixer' that my son-in-law will assist me on. Stay tuned !! Dan Hill <danh2@juno.com> Seattle, WA King - Monday, July 26, 1999 at 19:50:04 (EDT) Thank you for having this picture on the internet!! I am in an MBA program and HAD TO HAVE this picture for my Ford, The Innovator, class presentation. Thank you Thank you Thank you Debra Jan <dhall@wt.net> houston, tx - Monday, July 26, 1999 at 00:06:42 (EDT) I have a 49 2dr Custom sedan with 68,250 original miles on it. I am third owner of this car built right down the road in Kansas City. I have built the car as a 50's style rod with dual spotlights, fender skirts, LeBarron -Boney interior, chrome parts on the flathead engine & dual Smitty's. This car was built on June 26, 1949 and the daily production number was 272. This means it is a very late model 49. Does any one know the last day of production for the 49 model year? If so, please e-mail me. Fred Erben <erbssr@aol.com> St. Joseph, Mo USA` - Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 16:57:21 (EDT) I learned to drive in a 48 Chevy. It was my brothers car. He then traded it for a 50 Ford hawthron green coupe. This was a great car and started me in a love affair with Fords. I have owned a 58 fairlane 500, a 64 galaxie 500, a 72 Galaxie 500, a 79 couger, and a 89 Crown Vic which I still drive along with an 85 Lincoln town car. No better rides and service has anyone ever had. Nobody can believe that my cars are that old because they look and ride like new. Robert Mazzoni <RMazz16753@aol.com> Louisville, Ky USA - Friday, May 14, 1999 at 12:07:19 (EDT) Any old car that was produced by henry ford is a masterpiece. I'm crazy about FORD cars. On my farm we have about 55 fords. That's all that my parents will drive. Yes, I'm only 15, but the only vehicles I'll be driving when I'm older are FORDS. Hats off to the main man. jennifer schreiber <jenn_gill@hotmail.com> Medicine Hat, AB Canada - Thursday, May 06, 1999 at 17:22:20 (EDT) I'VE HAD THE PLEASURE OF RESTORING AND OWNING A 1949 FOFD TUDOR CUSTOM V8.IT RUNS JUST AS GOOD NOW AS IT DID BACK IN 49. IT HAS OVERDRIVE,AND ALL ACCESSORIES THAT WERE AVAILABLE IN 1949;FROM GLOVE COMPARTMENT LIGHT TO A REAR WINDOW WIPER; VACUUM CONTRO LED OF COURSE. IT HAS GIVEN ME GREAT ENJOYMENT AND PLEASURE OVER THE LAST FOUR YEARS. I'M NOT AFRAID TO DRIVE IT ANYWHERE.I'VE DRIVEN MY CAR TO THE UNITED STATES; AS WELL TO OTHER PARTS OF CANADA. NEXT YEAR, 2000 I'M HOPING TO DO THE CROSS CANADA TOUR FRO M BC TO ST. JOHN'S, NF. THE PLEASURE OF OWNING AND DRIVING AN OLDER CAR IS IN ITSELF; A DREAM COME TRUE. THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME TIME AND SPACE TO VIEW AND RESPOND TO YOUR WEB SITE. Fred Reardon <fastfreddy_1999@yahoo.com> Goulds, NF., Canada - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 11:25:49 (EDT) My first new car was a 1949 Ford Custom V8 Club Coupe with radio heater & OD. Total price at the time of purchase, September 1949 from McMillian-Eagan Ford in Colon, Panama, was $2120.00. I still have all of the orginal paperwork on this beautiful car. I only wish I still had the car! To me, this was and remains the the best and sharpest car ever. A once in a lifetime event! Ivan J. DeBaecke <IJDeB@webtv.net> Charleston, SC USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 15:39:43 (EDT) I cannot tell you how excited I was to find this Henry Ford Museum Web Site! I had been to a few of our local county libraries and found very little on this car. And as I looked at the Showroom of Automotive History and saw the feature on this 1949 Ford Classic, I could not believe it! And such good pictures an d info on this car. I thought I was in a delima because as an artist I was asked to include in an upcoming commission this very car. My client's father had one of these cars when she was little and always has remembered it as part of her childhood and f amily life and she wants it in the reminiscent painting of her parents home where she grew up. I thought I would never find any pictures of it, muchless so many enthusiasts who know so much about it and even have the car itself! This is great! Thanks so much! I hope some of you don't mind if I get in touch with you for reference. Garn <garn@netzero.net> Salt Lake CIty, Utah USA - Tuesday, February 23, 1999 at 04:22:51 (EST) Hello Ford fans!I have a Ford story.My dad is a trucker,and on a run to Ohio,he spotted it.A '49 Ford tudor custom in need of TLC and an enthusiastic owner.Much of the original documentation was there,along with a potpourri of spare parts.He told his f riend about it and watched as his friend signed the check.He jokingly regretted telling him about it! About two years later,his friend found a '69 Impala and the Ford was pretty much garaged until my dad bought it from him .Now my dad has his dream car!It is like a part of the family.We take it to get ice cream in the summer,and I love to see the look on people's faces when we pull in anywhere.It sure turns heads wherever we go!After a much-needed paint restoration this spring,we hope to enter "Ol Blue Betsy" in some shows and see what happens.It is great to know that people remember this innovative car.I t is easy sometimes to forget that this modest sedan was the first post-war redesign of the Ford,and the beginning of being able to have options and different color schemes and that engine!The flathead V-8.Even at some 50 years old,the one in our Ford sti ll runs strong and true.So if you are a Ford-o-file like me or just a car enthusiast,e-mail me with your thoughts and anecdotes.I can talk cars for ever! elise <shortstuff50@hotmail.com> PA USA - Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 22:24:03 (EST) My dad worked as a salesman/partsman for a Ford Agency in Tahlequah, Ok when the 49's appeared. I was only 8 years old but can still remember dad working late, putting large sheets of paper over the windows to conceal the new Fords from view until th e official debute date. The cars were all kept covered or hidden up till then. I kind of hate to mention it but dad was not too happy about the workmanship in the early 49s.. But I quess things got better because he bought a 49 a year later, a deluxe v8 2d. He put a horn ring from a custom on it to dress up the interior a little. I have been in the old car hobby for 30 years but haven't owned a flathead since high school, a 52. After discovering this site I think I have to have another.. A 49.. maybe a 50 will have to do. tom loftin <rambler@sonetcom.com> lawton, ok usa - Sunday, February 14, 1999 at 23:17:23 (EST) I own a 1949 Ford Custom Tudor Sedan with a flathead 8. It's a beater, but it runs great. I'm almost reluctant to fix it up cosmetically...I never have to worry about it now and I park it anywhere I please. The most interesting thing about my car is an "extra" called "The Swinging Eye." This was an extra that was NOT offered by Ford...it was manufactured by a small company in New Haven, Connecticut and offered to Ford dealers to buy and offer to customers as an extra. Therefore, you won't find it in an y of the original Ford accessory booklets for 1949. What it is is a headlight that bolts into the center area of the grille (you remove the original center piece first) and, with the help of rods that connect the light to your steering assembly, it turns as you turn, illuminating the way. They also were offered as stationary lights, but I'm lucky enough to have the one that swivels in its own housing. Now the bad part...I don't have the connecting rods!! Hardly anybody I've met knows about the Swinging Ey e, so I'm not sure how I can ever get a hold of the rods. I once got the installation instructions from a guy for $25, but they were practically useless (very poorly done). I'm sure if I had the rods I could figure out how it's hooked up. If anybody who v isits this site has any information about this unique feature, please email me! Jim Wood <woodbrazil@aol.com> Jamesburg, NJ USA - Wednesday, January 13, 1999 at 20:40:23 (EST) I am 19 years old and have just purchased my second car a 49'ford 2 door sedan with a flat head eight the guy i bought it from got it from arizona so the body is very straight and not rusted but it needs a front passenger side fender and the flat head isnt running that great, the previous owner had a 9"rearend with positrac and i have recently purchased a 429 ford big block to put in it but I drive it as is right now and really love it that big grill puts a smile on my face everytime i see it... dan martin <dan_martin19@hotmail.com> kansas city, mo united states - Tuesday, December 29, 1998 at 22:37:32 (EST) The '49 Ford was a sweet car. Mine was a 2dr. Flathead V-8 with a three speed manual. The engine was so quiet that you would grind the starter if you did not notice the guages indicating oil pressure and water temperature. She got about 20 MPG on the highway and decent milage in the city. You just felt good about taking a trip in that car. You knew you were going to get there. I owned it for three years and then traded it in on a '54 Mercury. The Merc was a OHV V-8 with automatic and never quite had the charm of the flathead. Cars now are very sophisticated and darn near unrepairable. When they decide to stop it takes a team to get them back on the road with computers, code scanners and such. Progress they call it. I call it planned self destruction. Henry's lady will never be produced again as the quality of these cars will never be produced again. Wish I could buy one new today! ejprice <ejprice@gte.net> - Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 22:37:12 (EST) Wonderful car! I own a 1949 Ford Custom Sedan. It's the same color as the featured Ford on this page, but mine has 4 doors. I highly recommend this car to anyone else who admires its beauty - it's still relatively underpriced for such a work of art! Greg Venbrux <venbrux@bucknell.edu> Lewisburg, Pa 17837 - Friday, November 20, 1998 at 02:46:49 (EST) details and photos ford 1949 four doors (fordor sedam) JAIRO OLIVEIRA DA SILVA <bf-compras@planet.com.br> São Leopoldo, RS Brasil - Friday, October 23, 1998 at 15:24:28 (EDT) I'm currently in the process of restoring my grandfathers '49 ford. The photos within are a great help to put the interior back to normal.... "just wish I could get my hands on some shop manuals...!" James James E. Blankenship <james.blankenship@delta-air.com> Fayetteville, GA USA - Tuesday, July 07, 1998 at 15:28:03 (EDT) We have two '49's, a dark blue club coupe and a bright yellow convertible. Both have interesting stories to tell and will be writing to you soon. L & M Lou & Marge <loumar@powernet.net> Reno, NV USA - Sunday, June 07, 1998 at 14:43:28 (EDT) My first car was my dad's 1949 Ford 4 door V-8 flat head. I was so proud to be able to buy it with money I earned from a part time job. Its interseting how memories of a song a place or an object can make you feel. The good thing is that the feeling is usually a good one. Thats the way I remember my 49 4 door. It has been gone for over 35 years now. My dad is gone also. I miss them both. Tom O'Donnell <todonnell@juno.com> Anaheim, Ca USA - Tuesday, May 19, 1998 at 14:14:04 (EDT) Having grown up in Seattle in the '50s, the last car you could ever get was a convertible. What are you gonna do, drive it around on the three sunny days each year? Now in Virginia with four real seasons, a convertible does make good sense and I fina lly have my '49 Ford. Ihave it allright, in the attic, the basement, and the garage. Taken apart with a slow and careful back together. Car is from Texas (two bullet holes from the inside out) and was originally Bayview Blue Metallic. Only non-stock i tems will be dual exhausts and a decent am/fm radio. Anybody else out there owning and not just reminiscing? Russ Brown Vienna, VA USA - Wednesday, May 13, 1998 at 17:29:47 (EDT)
Other memories
July 21, 1998 - Mike McColgan writes:
If I have money and time later in life I am going to purchase and restore
a 49 Ford just like the one I remember. My daughter and I drew a picture of
my dad's car on Microsoft Paint. jjmccsr.jpg
May 16, 1997 - Farris Rogers of San Jose, CA writes:
September 23, 1996 - Erik Smith writes:
My father was a smart fellow. He said no.
June 21, 1996 - Darryl D. Hall writes:
June 8, 1996 - Dick Swanson writes:
February 2, 1996 - Larry Halter writes:
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The Henry Ford ~ http://www.TheHenryFord.org |