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Service Manuals

Ford Mechanics Service Forum
"Ford Must Stand First"

cover image "HAVE YOU EVER thought how important you and your job are? Not only to yourself but to the dealer who employs you; and most of all to the people whom we all serve? The owner of any car we work on is our real "big boss." He's the man we've got to satisfy. He can fire every one of us just by taking his business somewhere else and he will if he feels we aren't doing our jobs well. The rear axle is a major unit in a car. It has some big jobs to do. Yet it isn't often that the rugged Ford axle actually breaks down. Usually we have to look for some other cause of trouble. So how we look for it and what we do about what we find are pretty important. This booklet tells in pictures and words how to do this in three easy steps: diagnose - adjust - test. These are the steps in good trouble shooting. Good trouble shooting wins good friends. This booklet is one of a series. Keep it. At the end of the course you'll have a handy library of service know-how."

This is the foreward to one of a series of booklets published by the Ford Motor Company Service Department. They were given to the service mechanics employed by various Ford dealers around the country. Titles in the series include:

Booklet No. 1: The 1949 Suspension Systems
Booklet No. 2: The Magic of Loadomatic
Booklet No. 3: Diagnosis and the Generator Regulator
Booklet No. 4: Engine Performance Diagnosis
Booklet No. 5: Passenger Car Brakes
Booklet No. 6: Rear Axle Diagnosis and Adjustment

We have chosen excerpts from Booklet No. 6: Rear Axle Diagnosis and Adjustment

cover Excerpts:

("What Makes Baby Cry?")

NEXT TIME you hear a baby crying - your own or somebody else's - remember it has different reasons for crying. Find out the reason and you can make it smile instead. Like anything else, it takes experience and know-how. Most axle troubles show up as noise - and sounds can get you plenty confused. So if the axle's your baby, here's a short manual to guide you. Follow these steps to find out what makes baby cry.

Step 1 - Diagnose
Correct diagnosis is the foundation of good service. It makes any job fast, accurate and complete. It saves you time and effort. It insures customer satisfaction.


BEFORE YOU MAKE your own road test, it s a good idea to ride in the car with the owner. Make sure you hear the same sound he is complaining of. Your ear is probably better tuned to all the different sounds cars can make. The sound he hears may not be in the axle.

Drive ten miles to bring the axle lubricant to normal temperature. Try to pick for your test a road with little traffic. It should be a blacktop or other smooth surface for least tire noise.


page Figure shim thickness

If number on pinion is less than 15, subtract from 15 and add difference to depth reading. If number is more, subtract 15, then subtract difference from depth. Result is exact shim thickness needed.

Install pinion shim

Install shim on late-type pinions between back face of gear and rear bearing. Seat shim so tips bend over radius on shaft. Early-type pinion has shim behind rear bearing cup in carrier.

page Heavy Face Contact

If contact is above the center of the tooth, move the pinion in toward the ring gear by using a thicker shim and reset the backlash.

Contact on Toe

Ring gear is too close to pinion. Move out by turning adjusting nuts. To allow for shift under load, pattern may be one-eighth inch on toe.

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