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Detroit Publishing Company Collection Online Exhibit Site Credits

Artifact Selection, Research & Writing

Judith E. Endelman, Director, Historical Resources & Chief Curator

Tina Glengary, Experience Developer

Cynthia Read-Miller, Senior Curator, Photography & Prints

  Web Design and Development

Alan Harvey, Photographer

Jessica Lehr, Historical Resources Digital Manager

Advisory Team

Mark Greene, formerly Head, Research Center Programs

Terry Hoover, Archivist

Patricia Orr, Manager of Library Services

Lani Chisnell, Web Producer

Special acknowledgment and thanks to Stephanie A. Thomas, Project Assistant for her work during the summer of 2002. Under the direction of the curator, the historical resources digital manager and the web producer, Stephanie designed and implemented the online version of this exhibit, digitally scanned many images and assisted with artifact selection and research.

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 This online exhibit was funded in part by a DALNET Information Hub Project Grant  
Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village Logo
All images are from The Henry Ford's  
Detroit Publishing Company Collection except where noted.   

Copyright © 2002 The Henry Ford        Last Updated:  01/21/2003