What's New???
August 2005:
The Henry Ford Acquires Trophy Bat from 1867 World’s Tournament of Base Ball. --more
Accession ID#: 2005.85.1
Please keep checking back for more cool stuff!
The Archival, Library and Curatorial Staff of the The Henry Ford
are working very hard to provide online access to selections of
objects from all parts of our collections.
More Happenings:

ID#: HMC 12
February 2005: The Henry Ford, in collaboration with Wayne State University, has put the records of the Herman Miller Consortium online. Go to the project site to search historic Herman Miller furniture held by 13 different museums around the United States. This project was funded by Herman Miller, Inc. |

ID#s: 89.492.391, 88.444.1, 76.104.15, 41.214.300, 41.356.4
October 2003: The Henry Ford, along with a number of other institutions in Metropolitan Detroit, has received a National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The project, "Digital Dress,” is a partnership with Wayne State University Library System, the Detroit Historical Museums, and Meadow Brook Hall. This project will create a Web portal with 5,000 digital images of men's, women's and children's clothing and accessories representing 200 years of fashion. For more information see the project site. |

ID#: G 878 |
New Acquisition! (Winter 2002/2003): The museum is acquiring a significant collection of mimeograph machines, advertising materials and company documents from the A. B. Dick Company of Niles, Illinois. |