Benson Ford Research Center Book, Etc. Sale
Saturday 9am-5pm
(Click here to learn more.)
Bicycle games
Car Games
Competition in early motoring skills
Automobile demonstrations
Learn about the evolution of the automobile and many of its accessories that we take for granted today
Presented by historian Wade Leonard.
Canadian Model T Assembly Team
Watch a Model T be assembled in minutes!
Join historians Marty Bufalini, Matt Anderson, David Liepelt, Glenn Miller and Ross Hill
Reviewing stand near Thomas Edison statue
Comercial Vehicles and Automobiles through 1918
Bicycles and Motorcycles
Race Car immediately followed by Automobiles 1925-1932
Awards Ceremony to immediately follow last Pass-in-Review
Presentation of judging awards following final Pass-in-Review Parade.
Concert and Dancing
Featuring The Hotel Savarine Society Orchestra performing favorite dance tunes of the 1920s.
Reviewing stand near Thomas Edison statue
Gaslight Parade of Cars
Take in the sights of hundreds of pre-1932 automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles as they take to the streets of Greenfield Village after dark amid an array of gaslight, kerosene, and early electric lamps.
Fireworks show
Junior Driver’s Ed
Pedal cars for children 6 & under
Near Roundhouse
Model T Rides
Ford Motor Company Building
Meet "Lizzie"
Climb in a Model T and learn the history, social significance and operational basics
of a Model T.
10:30-11am Saturday and Sunday
Near Entrance of Greenfield Village
Simply Gershwin
A 30-minute music, comedy, and dance revue celebrating the musical genius of George Gershwin.
11:45am, 12:45pm, 2:15pm, 3:30pm
(plus 5pm & 6pm on Sat.)
Town Hall
Henry’s T
Meet Henry Ford in this 10-minute one-man show and hear how he was inspired to build the world’s universal car.
11:00, 12:00, 1:30, 2:30
Near Ford Motor Company
Cole Porter Medley
A 10-minute medley of favorite tunes by Porter performed by the Greenfield Singers.
Sat: 4:45; Sun: 12:30 & 3:15
Inside Town Hall
The Model Three, a male trio
The talented tenor, baritone, and bass who make up The Model Three sing beloved songs from the 1890s through the 1930s complete with period harmonies.
(Check program for times and locations.)
The Village Trio, a female trio
The talented soprano, mezzo soprano, and alto who make up the Village Trio sing beloved songs from the 1890s through the 1930s complete with period harmonies and nostalgic dance moves.
(Check program for times and locations.)
Model T Medley
A 10-minute music medley with a dash of Model T humor performed by the Greenfield Singers. Sat: 5:30pm & 6:45; Sun: 1:45 & 3:00
Behind Scotch Settlement School
1929 Medley
A 15-minute music medley to celebrate the founding year of The Henry Ford! Sat: 6:00; Sun: 1:30
Behind Scotch Settlement School
Village Strings
1920s Auto Touring
Join roadside historian Daniel Hershberger for this special presentation featuring four vignettes on car camping history. Thanks to the Detroit Historical Museum.
12:30pm & 3:30pm
Near Scotch Settlement School
Henry Ford’s First 1893 “Kitchen Sink” Engine Replica
See demonstrations of a running replica of Henry Ford’s first engine by students of Penn State Beaver Corps. In front of Town Hall