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Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West
Teacher's Choice @ IMAX: Choose 10am or 11:10am, Monday - Friday
In 1804, two American military officers, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, were given an assignment by President Thomas Jefferson: to explore the uncharted areas of the land known as "the Louisiana Purchase," a massive stretch of 8,000 miles from St. Louis to the Western Coastline. Lewis and Clark hoped to find a Northwest Passage, which would link the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, but along the way they discovered the sources of some of America's greatest beauty and wealth. They also found hardship, but survived thanks to the compassion of trapper Toussaint Charbonneau and his wife Sacagawea, a Native American. Lewis and Clark were presumed dead until they made their way back to civilization in 1806, with details of one the greatest adventures in American history. The Henry Ford’s most popular educational film, Lewis & Clark was produced by National Geographic and follows the incredible journey of these pioneering explorers.

about the movie
Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West
Traditional IMAX Documentary Film
Narrated by Jeff Bridges
Not Rated
Running Time: Approx. 45 minutes
Available for Teacher’s Choice at 10am or 11:10am, Mon – Fri, Oct. 3 – Dec. 13

Click here to access the official Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West film website

Click here to download Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West teacher guides, lesson plans & activities

curriculum connections
To view the curriculum connections for grades 3-5, click here.
To view the curriculum connections for grades 6-8, click here.

SENIORS age 62 & up, $9
ADULTS age 13-61, $10
YOUTH age 5-12, $8.50
CHILDREN 4 & under, $8.50

MEMBERS 15% off all pricing above

A $2.50 service fee will be charged for all call center and internet advance purchases.

special information

Please park in the IMAX Theater lot on the west side of Henry Ford Museum.  Parking is always FREE for IMAX-only guests.

The Henry Ford is located in Dearborn, Michigan on the corner of Village Road and Oakwood Boulevard, just west of the Southfield Freeway (M-39) and south of Michigan Avenue (US-12).
The Henry Ford
20900 Oakwood Blvd.
Dearborn, MI 48124-5029
From the East or West via I-94:
Take I-94 to the Oakwood Boulevard exit; go north on Oakwood. The Henry Ford is 2.5 miles from the exit on the corner of Village Road and Oakwood Boulevard.
From the South via I-75:
Exit to northbound Southfield Freeway (M-39); drive 4.1 miles to Oakwood Boulevard (Exit 4). Left on Oakwood and drive 1.8 miles.
From the North via Southfield Road (or I-96):
Take Southfield Freeway (M-39) south 4.5 miles past I-96 and exit at Michigan avenue (Exit 6). Continue on the Southfield service drive (veer left) for .5 mile. At the first stoplight, turn right onto Village Road (through the iron gates) and drive .75 mile.
Metro Detroit often has major construction projects. Please check the following sites for the latest on construction areas and road closures.
Michigan Department of Transportation
AAA Traffic & Construction Report