Self-guided Activity in Greenfield Village. Reserve a day in one of our two 19th-century schoolhouses to help students compare life in the past to life today.
This Resource is for:Educators
Theme:Family and Community Life
Type of Use:Onsite Activity, Daily in September through October; Fridays in November through December; Daily in mid-April through early June
Curriculum Connection:U.S. History
National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies Strands II, V; Michigan Social Studies Grade Level and High School Content Expectations K - H2.0.4; 1 - H2.0.1, H2.0.4, H2.0.5, H2.0.6; 2 - H2.0.4; 3 - H3.0.1; 4 - H3.0.4 Grade/Age Level:Early Elementary; Upper Elementary
Time Period:Era 3: Revolution and the New Nation; Era 4: Expansion and Reform; Era 5: Civil War and Reconstruction; Era 6: The Development of an Industrial, Urban and Global United States
Pricing:$9.50 includes Village admission
Venue:Greenfield Village
Tags:teacher, student, lesson