Educator Guide for the IMAX film Space Junk.
This Resource is for:Educators
Theme:Science and Technology
Type of Use:Unit Plan
Curriculum Connection:Science; Technology/Engineering; Arts and Design; Career Exploration; Creative Problem Solving; Cross-disciplinary Thinking
Michigan Science Grade Level and High School Content Expectations: K - S.IP.00.11, S.IP.00.13, S.IP.00.14, S.IP.00.15, S.IA.00.12, S.RS.00.11; 1 - S.IP.01.11, S.IP.01.13, S.IP.01.14, S.IP.01.15, S.IA.01.12, S.RS.01.11; 2 - S.IP.02.11, S.IP.02.13, S.IP.02.14, S.IP.02.15, S.IA.02.12, S.RS.02.11; 3 - S.IP.03.11, S.IP.03.13, S.IP.03.14, S.IP.03.15, S.IA.03.12, S.RS.03.11, S.RS.03.17, S.RS.03.18; 4 - S.IP.04.11, S.IP.04.13, S.IP.04.14, S.IP.04.15, S.IA.04.12, S.RS.04.11, S.RS.04.16, S.RS.04.17, S.RS.04.18; 5 - S.IP.05.12, S.IP.05.13, S.IP.05.14, S.RS.05.15, S.RS.05.16, S.RS.05.17, S.RS.05.19; 6 - S.IP.06.12, S.IP.06.13, S.IP.06.14, S.RS.06.15, S.RS.06.16, S.RS.06.17; 7 - S.IP.07.12, S.IP.07.13, S.IP.07.14, S.RS.07.15, S.RS.07.16, S.RS.07.17 Grades 9-12: Physics P1.1C, P1.2E, P1.2f, P1.2g, P3.4D; Earth Science E1.1C, E1.2E, E1.2f, E1.2g , E5.p1A National Science Education Standards: Unifying Concepts & Processes, Physical Science, Earth & Space Science, Science & Technology, Science in Personal & Social Perspectives, History & Nature of Science Grade/Age Level:Upper Elementary; Middle School; High School
Time Period:Era 8: Post-WWII United States; Era 9: America in a new global age
Venue:IMAX Theater
Tags:satellite, orbit, asteroid, meteor, debris, scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, astrolabe
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