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The Henry Ford offers amazing camp experiences. Discovery Camp® is our week-long history-based camps for children going into the 2nd through 9th grade. Each level has its own theme and related crafts and activities.
This Resource is for:Youth and Scouts; Students
Theme:Transportation in America; American Innovation; Science and Technology; America's Industrial Revolution; Family and Community Life
Type of Use:Onsite Program
Curriculum Connection:U.S. History; World History; Science; Environmental Education; Technology/Engineering; Career Exploration; Creative Problem Solving; Cross-disciplinary Thinking; Entrepreneurial Literacy
Grade/Age Level:Early Elementary; Upper Elementary; Middle School; High School; Brownie Girl Scouts; Junior Girl Scouts; Cadette Girl Scouts; Cub Scouts; Boy Scouts
Time Period:
Pricing:Grade Levels 2-5 MEMBERS $238 per child / per week NON-MEMBERS $280 --- Grade Levels 6-9 MEMBERS $250 per child/ per week NON-MEMBERS $292 --- Extended care $25 per session (AM or PM) per week, members and non-members.
Venue:Henry Ford Museum; Greenfield Village; Ford Rouge Factory Tour; IMAX Theater
Tags:camp, discovery, Discovery Camp, science, games, hiking, inventors, tours, fishing, robotics, green experiments