Self-Guided Activity at Ford Rouge Factory Tour. Handle a "smart tool" that workers use on the factory floor and simulate steering wheel installation on a Ford F-150 pickup.
This Resource is for:Educators; Youth and Scouts; Students
Theme:Science and Technology; America's Industrial Revolution
Type of Use:Onsite Activity
Curriculum Connection:Business; Science; Technology/Engineering
National Science Education Standards: Science as Inquiry, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives, Science and Technology, Life Sciences, History and Nature of Science; National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies Strands VII, VIII; Michigan Science Grade Level and High School Content Expectations K–7 - S.IP.E.1, P.FM.E.3; 9–12 - Physics - P3.1, P3.1x, P4.1, P4.1x, P4.3; Michigan Social Studies Grade Level and High School Content Expectations 1 - H2.0.6; 2 - H2.0.4; 3 - G4.0.1; 4 - H3.0.1, H3.0.5, E1.0.5; 9-12 - USHG 9.1.1; 9-12 - Economics 1.1.1, 1.2.3 Grade/Age Level:Early Elementary; Upper Elementary; Middle School; High School; Adults; Brownie Girl Scouts; Junior Girl Scouts; Cadette Girl Scouts; Cub Scouts; Boy Scouts
Time Period:Era 9: America in a new global age
Pricing:Free with Ford Rouge Factory Tour admission
Venue:Ford Rouge Factory Tour
Tags:industry, manufacturing, ergonomics, vehicle, quality, robot, technology