Interactive module. Uses oral history interviews of some of America's most iconic innovators (past and present) and other assets of The Henry Ford's OnInnovation resource to explore the basic tenets of innovation and its role in participants' own lives.
This Resource is for:Educators; Youth and Scouts
Theme:American Innovation
Type of Use:Unit Plan; Online Interactive, Can be used by grades 6-12 teachers & youth service providers. Can also be scaled for use in colleges & universities, and in corporate training.
Curriculum Connection:U.S. History; Geography; Economics; Business; Science; Environmental Education; Technology/Engineering; English Language Arts; Arts and Design; Career Exploration; Creative Problem Solving; Cross-disciplinary Thinking; Self-direction; Entrepreneurial Literacy
National Standards for Social Studies, 5-12: Economics Content Standard 14; Geography Content Standards 4, 5; U.S. History Era 6; ELA, 5-12: Standards 2, 7, 11; 21st Century Skills, 5-12: Learning and Innovation Skills; Information, Media and Technology Skills; Life and Career Skills; Educational Technology Standards, 5-12: Standards 1, 2, 4, 5; Science Standards, 5-12: Standards 5, 6, 7 Grade/Age Level:Middle School; High School; Cadette Girl Scouts; Boy Scouts
Time Period:Era 6: The Development of an Industrial, Urban and Global United States; Era 8: Post-WWII United States; Era 9: America in a new global age
Pricing:Available for Purchase, includes Innovation 101 Curriculum with DVD; free to download
Tags:lesson, video, critical thinking, problem solving, digital literacy, process, design thinking, traits, keys, intellectual property
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