Literacy Enhancement Program. Brings to life the story of Henry Ford's quest to build a car for the masses, using historical facts, digital images and engaging hands-on activities. Reinforces grade-specific vocabulary, spelling, reading and comprehension, writing and design thinking skills. Ideal for developing and struggling readers. This book supports ELA Common Core Standards and uses 21st Century Sills of Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration. Augment your teaching tools with this workbook today! (This book is also known as Be an Innovator Like . . . Henry Ford.)
This Resource is for:Educators; Youth and Scouts
Theme:Transportation in America
Topic:Henry Ford and Innovation
Type of Use:Unit Plan
Curriculum Connection:U.S. History; English Language Arts; Career Exploration; Creative Problem Solving; Cross-disciplinary Thinking; Self-direction; Entrepreneurial Literacy
Common Core State Standards: English Language Arts- Grade 2- RI.2.1, RI.2.3, RI.2.4, RI.2.7, RI.2.10, RF.2.4, SL.2.1, SL.2.2, SL.2.1, L.2.1, L.2.2, L.2.4, L.2.6, Grade 3 - RI.3.1, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, RI.3.7, RI.3.10, RF.3.4, W.3.10, SL.3.1, SL.3.2, L.3.1, L.3.2, L.3.3, L.3.4, L.3.6, Grade 4 - RI.4.1, RI.4.3, RI.4.4, RI.4.7, RI.4.10, RF.4.4, W.4.9b, W.4.10, SL.4.1, L.4.1, L.4.2, L.4.3, L.4.4, L.4.6, Grade 5 - RI.5.1, RI.5.3, RI.5.4, RI.5.10, RF.5.4, W.5.9b, W.5.10, SL.5.1, L.5.1, L.5.2, L.5.3, L.5.4, L.5.6 Grade/Age Level:Early Elementary; Upper Elementary
Time Period:Era 6: The Development of an Industrial, Urban and Global United States
Pricing:$5.95 ($5.36 if member of The Henry Ford); EDUCATOR'S PROMOTION PACKAGE: $5 each for 20 or more
Tags:fiction, non-fiction, digital images, hands-on, Henry Ford, Model T, Assembly Line