Lincoln's Legacy of Leadership Teacher Packet
Discover the political and social legacy of Abraham Lincoln using digital media to realize the importance and qualities of a true leader.
american democracy & civil rights The Museum and Village are filled with real-life examples of how people just like you have participated in this
democracy. Connect American Democracy & Civil
Rights to your curriculum. Learn Morewith liberty & justice for all exhibit This exhibit in Henry Ford Museum focuses on four transformative era’s in America’s quest for freedom: the Revolutionary Era, the AntiSlavery Movement and Civil War Era, the Women’s Suffrage Movement and the modern Civil Rights Movement.celebrate black history Visit Henry Ford Museum in February and experience our Minds on Freedom interactive musical and dramatic program, and the With Liberty & Justice for All exhibit.dramatic presentations Meet inspirational suffragists and experience their struggles in our interactive Votes for All presentation. Brush up on your 19th century civics lessons in a one-room schoolhouse during C is for Citizenship.
Dramatic Presentation in Greenfield Village. 15-minute presentation in Scotch Settlement School in which students are guided through a 19th century civics lesson.View WebsiteView Summary
Dramatic Presentation in Henry Ford Museum. A 30-minute musical and dramatic program that addresses the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.View WebsiteView Summary
The National Day of Courage commemorates the day in 1955 when Rosa Parks helped spark the modern civil rights movement. At Henry Ford Museum, it is also an occasion to explore how Mrs. Parks’ singular act of courage continues to resonate today. We invite people of courage to share their own experiences and continue to inspire others to take a stand.
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Scavenger hunt in Henry Ford Museum. Explore the exhibit "With Liberty and Justice for All" through featured artifacts, drawing, vocabulary, and questions for writing and discussion. Includes a tip sheet for parents/teachers/chaperones.Get DocumentView Summary
Exhibit in Henry Ford Museum and Online Exhibit. Focuses on the Revolutionary Era, the Antislavery Movement and Civil War Era, Women's Suffrage Movement, and Civil Rights Movement. Online resources include Lesson Plans, Exhibit Exploration Guide, and Timeline with Related Artifacts.View WebsiteView Summary
Student Exploration Guides for Grades 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12. For use in the classroom and in the museum. Obtain free Discovering Democracy in Action in With Liberty and Justice for All Student Exploration Guides for each student in your class. These guides are used when you visit the exhibit in Henry Ford Museum.View WebsiteView Summary
Lesson plans. Select lesson plans that most directly support The Henry Ford’s educational theme “American Democracy & Civil Rights.” Created by participants in the National Endowment for the Humanities Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshops for School Teachers: America’s Industrial Revolution at The Henry Ford, 2009, 2010, 2011Get DocumentView Summary
An educational activity book that provides historical facts and primary sources in a fun, relevant and engaging manner to inspire a love of reading among youth. It also reinforces 21st-century skills development by providing unique learning opportunities for critical and innovative thinking and creative visualization.View WebsiteView Summary
Guide to The Henry Ford's Civil War-related offerings. Incorporates resources available during entire 150th commemoration as well as Discovering the Civil War limited-engagement exhibit. Get DocumentView Summary
PowerPoint for Lesson 4, With Malice Toward None - Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, in Perspectives on Leadership: Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass High School Unit Plan.Get DocumentView Summary
Teacher packet. Three unit plans for grades 8-12 focusing on Abraham Lincoln that use the online video Lincoln's Legacy: Race, Freedom and Equality of Opportunity Town Hall Lecture. Get DocumentView Summary
Online Video of national town hall meeting hosted in Henry Ford Museum. Video discusses the equality and opportunity cited in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.Watch VideoView Summary
Online Unit Plan. Designed to motivate students to become informed about political issues and participate in the political process. This real life experience helps students research issues and voice their opinions using 21st century technology to inform and influence others. View WebsiteView Summary
Online Exhibit. Follow the journey of the Montgomery City bus on which Rosa Parks initiated a new era in the American quest for freedom and equality to its new home in Henry Ford Museum.View WebsiteView Summary
Exhibit in Henry Ford Museum and Online Exhibit. Focuses on the Revolutionary Era, the Antislavery Movement and Civil War Era, Women's Suffrage Movement, and Civil Rights Movement. Online resources include Lesson Plans, Exhibit Exploration Guide, and Timeline with Related Artifacts.View WebsiteView Summary
Lesson Plans for Gr. 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Comprehensive downloadable teacher guides are available with age-appropriate curriculum ties each connecting “democracy in action” in With Liberty and Justice for All. All Teachers Guides include an Introduction with an Overview, Objectives and Guiding Questions; Related Michigan Curriculum Framework Content Standards and Benchmarks; Related Core Democratic Values and Vocabulary; Materials Needed; Pre-Visit Activities; Post-Visit Project and Rubric; Extension Activities, Bibliography; Primary Sources and Primary Source Investigation Worksheets.View WebsiteView Summary
Teacher Fellows work with our Education Team to create educational programs that can become national models and aid classroom instruction. The Henry Ford selects 12 to 16 K-12 social studies and science/technology teachers through a competitive application process.View WebsiteView Summary
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