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Detroit Publishing Company Prints:  
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The Henry Ford has a collection of about 5,000 Detroit Publishing Company color Photochrom prints. The photolithographs were made before the advent of practical color print photography and the verisimilitude of the coloration appears at first glance to be actual color photographs. However, the photographs were initially shot in black and white and a retoucher added color to the prints. The hand-colored prints were then transferred to lithographic printing plates by using color separation negatives. Incorporated in 1895 as the Photochrom Company in Detroit, Michigan, it was known until 1905 as the Detroit Photographic Company, and then did business as the Detroit Publishing Company through 1924. The company made the color Photochrom prints beginning in 1898. The subjects date from the 1880s through the 1910s, reflecting the Detroit company's wide ranging original photographic stock of landscapes and city scenes across North America and around the world. William Henry Jackson worked for this company from 1897 to 1924, and many of the Photochrom prints show his images of the Rocky Mountains and Native Americans that he photographed in the 1880s and 1890s.

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Copyright © 2002 The Henry Ford
Last Updated: 02/17/2010