The Clark Travel-to-Collections program provides support for research
using the automotive history collections of The Henry Ford. Return to overview of program.
2011 Fellows
Saima Akhtar, doctoral candidate, University of California, Berkeley
Imported to Detroit: Fordism, Management of (Inter)national Labor Migration and the Making of Ethno-spiritual Geographies, 1914-1953
Bruce Wright, editor, Fabric Architecture
Profile and design history of Bill Moss, developer of the Pop Tent in 1955
2010 Fellows
Christopher Buck, assistant professor of political theory, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York
Industrial ecology of Ford Motor Company
David Greenstein, PhD candidate, University of Illinois at Urbana
Assembling Fordism: transnational encounters and the production of automobiles, Americans and Bolsheviks in Detroit and early Soviet Russia
2009 Fellows
Stefan Bauernschmidt, scientific assistant, Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany
Ford in Inter-war Berlin
Stefan Link, PhD candidate, Harvard University, Cambridge
International Fordism-Henry Ford, National Socialism, and Illiberal Visions of a Just Economy in Germany and the U.S.A., 1920-1939
2008 Fellow
Katherine Parkin, Assistant Professor of History, Monmouth University, Long Branch, New Jersey
“Women Drivers in the 20th Century.”
2007 Fellows
Adam Saunders, doctoral student, Department of Social Policy & Social Work, University of Oxford, England
“Company Policy and the Welfare State: Ford’s Approach to Unemployment Compensation in the United States and Britain, 1911-1955.”
Damon Yarnell, doctoral student, History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
“Behind the Line: Purchasing Agents, Shortage Chasers and the Origin of Mass Production at Ford Motor Company, 1908-1930.”
2006 Fellow:
Terence Young, Assistant Professor of Geography, Geography and Anthropology Department, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA.
"Pilgrim's Progress: The Origin and Meaning of the Four Vagabonds' Camping Trips."
2005 Fellow:
Andreas Exenberger, Assistant Professor of Economics and Statistics
Innsbruck University, Austria
"Ford’s Obsession to Rubber: An Empirical Study about Irrational Decision Making"
Sarah Rose , Ph.D. candidate University of Illinois at Chicago .
No Right to be Idle:Work, Citizenship and the Invention of Disability 1880 - 1930"
2004 Fellow
John Dean, Ph.D., University of Versailles: “The
Pluralism of Edsel Ford”
2003 Fellows:
Dimitry Anastakis, Ph.D., York University and Canadian Fulbright scholar, Michigan State University: Ford Motor Company of Canada.
Jens Kabisch, visiting tutor, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, Meisenweg, Germany: "The Notion of Writing One's Own History in the Life and Work of Henry Ford"
Miriam Nyhan, graduate student, University College Cork: Henry Ford and Sons of Cork, Ireland
2001 Fellows:
Regina Lee Blaszczyk, assistant professor of History and American
Studies, Boston University: The Revolution in Color Styling
Christopher Wells, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, University
of Wisconsin: "The Great American Love Affair: Cars, Culture and
the Origins of the Modern American Landscape"
2000 Fellows:
Robert Buerglener, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, University
of Chicago: "Creating the American Driver, 1895-1915"
Thomas M. McCarthy, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, Yale University
: "Cars, Consumers and the Environment"
1999 Fellows:
L. Michael Bell, Associate Professor of English, University of Colorado, Boulder: "Carlore"
Kevin Borg, Hagley Fellow and Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, University of Delaware: "From the Village Blacksmith to Mr. Goodwrench: The Technology and Culture of Auto Repair in the United States, 1896-1950"
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