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Addressing Non-CO2 Emissions
We are working hard to reduce emissions of criteria and non-CO2 pollutants in our research, product development and operations. We do this in accordance with vehicle emissions standards around the world, as they become increasingly stringent.
Fuel-combusting vehicles release smog-forming vehicle criteria emissions that get trapped close to the ground and create a haze that can affect people’s health. These emissions are the result of the incomplete combustion of fuels, impurities in fuels and the high-temperature oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen during the fuel combustion process. Criteria pollutants associated with smog include hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide and particulate matter. In many areas of the developed world, air quality has improved in recent decades due to the implementation and enforcement of emissions standards for motor vehicles as well as for stationary sources.
We comply with criteria emission standards in all regions, including the new Tier 3/LEV III standards in the United States and the Real Driving Emissions standard in Europe.