Sustainability, Environment and Safety Engineering

We provide technical and regulatory expertise related to product safety, emissions, fuel economy, facility environmental matters and vehicle recycling.


What We Do

  • Automotive Safety Office (ASO) and Vehicle Homologation & Compliance (VH&C)

    Ensures that our cars and trucks comply with vehicle environmental and safety regulations. We actively contribute technical advice to government agencies regarding environment and safety rule making. We also provide technical analysis of product litigation to corporate counsel.

  • Environmental Quality Office (EQO)

    Ensures that all of our company production facilities comply with environmental requirements. We also implement innovative environmental initiatives to reduce waste and pollution.

  • Sustainability & Vehicle Environmental Matters (S&VEM)

    Explores new business opportunities that may result from external climate change and social trends, including an emerging approach to sustainable urban transportation and industry development. The approach addresses the mobility and accessibility needs of growing urban populations worldwide.