Information Technology

Ford’s IT team delivers a wide range of technical solutions to power our business, from large enterprise data centers, to mobile apps on handheld devices and the networks in between. We apply industry best practices and an innovation mindset to meet the needs of today while envisioning Ford’s world of tomorrow.


What We Do

  • IT Operations (ITO)

    Manages the IT applications and infrastructure that run Ford’s global automotive business, including more than 440 sites worldwide. ITO connects employees, suppliers, dealers and joint ventures. We support end users through our global service desk and desk side support, and we deliver the company’s employee

  • IT Application Development (AD)

    Acts as the global source of information technology solution definition and delivery for Ford Motor Company. The AD team delivers technology to efficiently and effectively drive Ford’s global operations from the design center, to the plant floor, to the showroom. In this way, AD achieves its goal of creating value, delivering solutions and innovating at Ford.

  • Business IT (BIT)

    Partners with Ford skill teams and business units around the world, including Product Development, Manufacturing and Marketing, Sales & Service. Together we shape strategies for applying technology to deliver business results. With the portfolio management process the Business IT teams also help drive innovation and shape the future.

  • The Office of the CIO (OCIO)

    Works to increase Ford’s IT capacity, strengthen strategy and generally optimize the IT organization’s performance and contributions to the business. The OCIO also explores emerging technologies and enhances capabilities in areas such as connected vehicles, enterprise integration, analytics and information management.