JAMIE McMURRAY – No. 26 Crown Royal Ford Fusion – ON SATURDAYS, TEAMS WORK ON MAKING THE CAR STRONG ON LONG RUNS, BUT THE TIME SHEET RECORDS ONLY THE FASTEST LAP. DOES YOUR TIME ACCURATELY REFLECT HOW WELL PRACTICE WENT FOR YOU? “I don’t know. Tires fall off a lot here. I’ll have to look at the lap times, but our car seems pretty good. I didn’t see any of the Fords that looked like they were way up there. I don’t know what happened. I thought we were going to be a lot better than that today. The track got really slick and it looks like only a few guys have been able to get a hold of it. But, I think our car’s okay. We start 30th, and this is a place where you can pass, but it is hard to pass in these cars.”

DOES A GOOD PRACTICE ON SATURDAY BETTER PREPARE YOU FOR THE RACE ON SUNDAY? “I don’t know if good ones make you feel better, but bad ones make you feel worse. That doesn’t really mean anything. I think our car is okay. I’ve been up there before and thought, ‘I don’t know how, because we’re horrible.’ I don’t put too much thought into that, but when you’re really slow, you think about it a lot.”