BRENTWOOD, Essex, 20 November 2009- Ford's Bob Wright has been honoured by the Association of Scottish Motoring Writers (ASMW)

The 51-year-old Ford press fleet chief was presented last week with the coveted Presidential Award at the Scottish Car of the Year held at the Fairmount St Andrews.

Bob received a specially engraved silver tankard from the ASMW president Bill Caven, in recognition of his services to the automotive industry and his unstinting charity work.

Speaking before 180 guests Bill said: "In our mind nobody deserves this award more than Bob. “He has been a tireless supporter of the ASMW and his work and devotion are greatly admired by many other motor manufacturers as well.
Bob is not only a gentleman but an absolute legend. I have yet to hear anybody – and that includes journalists – who have anything but praise for him"

The president added: "Not only is he a valued member of Ford’s press team but he also finds time to pound his old bones to take part in marathons to raise money for charity.

“It gives me enormous pleasure and satisfaction to honour Bob who many of us look upon as an honorary member of the Association.”

The lifetime achievement award took bashful Bob and the whole Ford team totally by surprise. Bob later joked: "Crickey Cavey you really had me worried for one minute that I hadn’t paid my bar bill last year!”

Bob Wright, Ford press fleet administrator with his specially engraved silver tankard award from the ASMW. (UK)