DAGENHAM, Essex, 28 October 2009 – The fourth Kick It Out event hosted by Ford proved a winner as celebrities combined to support football's anti-racism campaign.

Over 100 young people from East London joined guests at the Centre for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence at Ford Dagenham to enjoy a variety of diversity activities and workshops.

From the world of entertainment, actor Winston Ellis (Pirates of the Caribbean, Rise of the Footsoldier), pop-soul artist Lemar and TV presenter and columnist Kevin Haggarthy went under the spotlight for a Q&A session. Budding David Beckhams got practical advice from England team physiotherapist, Gary Lewin, former England and Watford striker Luther Blissett and Professional Footballers' Association deputy chief executive Bobby Barnes. Helping the youngsters hone their football skills were players from West Ham FC Academy and Dagenham and Redbridge FC.

Opening the event, Ford of Britain managing director Nigel Sharp said: "We believe in Kick it Out's message of respect, inclusion and diversity

"Given our links with football – as the only remaining original UEFA Champions League sponsor and Thames Gateway Youth Football Project partners – this is a great opportunity for Ford to support neighbouring schools during the Kick It Out week of action."

Piara Power, director of Kick It Out, said: "Once again Ford put on a fantastically engaging event. The relationship between Ford and Kick It Out goes from strength to strength and is a great demonstration of good corporate responsibility in action."

Lord Herman Ouseley, chairman of Kick It Out added: "We are delighted to be working with Ford, and partners in the Dagenham area, on an initiative that will have a lasting impact, and Ford is to be congratulated for an enlightened approach to issues that impact on its local communities."

Bower Park School won the chance for 11 students to be centre circle bearers of the UEFA banner at the Arsenal-AZ Alkmaar game on November 4th.

Ford On The Ball At Kick Racism Out 2009 (UK)