When Ford Motor Company volunteers put their hands and their hearts together something special happens.
The world becomes a better place.
For one extraordinary week each year, Ford volunteers around the world unite for our Global Week of Caring.
During our third annual event, more than 8,000 Ford volunteers went to work on 177 projects covering six continents. They helped repair an orphanage in Mexico, construct houses in a village in the Philippines, perform needed maintenance at a children’s home and school in South Africa, and paint and decorate a center for orphans in Vietnam.
MODEL Teams of Ford volunteers in the United States also gathered for an Accelerated Action Day focused on dozens of community building projects. This concentrated effort targeted safety and shelter projects in 17 states. Accelerated Action Days are held four times a year to maximize Ford’s volunteer muscle on work that provides the most benefit to our agency partners and the people they serve.
Global Week of Caring and Accelerated Action Days are just two examples of the many times each year that Ford employees contribute their time and energy to the cities and towns where they live and work. We know that community service is a year-round effort and MODEL Teams of Ford volunteers form whenever our services are needed.
Making the world a better place is a full-time job, and we’re here to help!